Welcome Home, Tõnn!

Text: Urmas Sellis
Maps: Google Earth
The day before yesterday, May 18th, our young greater spotted eagle Tõnn made it home to Lääne County, Estonia! True, he didn’t go directly to the spot of his birth, but yesterday he got within 30 kilometers of it. But probably there’s nothing waiting for him at home, so he’s just having a look around—yesterday he was in the southern part of the Leidisoo mire.
Tõnn’s route home via Lithuania and Latvia.
It’s interesting that Tõnn’s location on May 18th at 18:00 hours was about two kilometers from the nest of Linda and Sulev, our white-tailed eagles. At that moment he was in flight, and no one can say whether he went to have a closer look at the white-tailed eagles.
Tõnn’s fall and spring migratory routes are significantly different, but it seems he is completely healthy and will hopefully surprise us with some interesting nuances from which we can learn about this rare species.
"Euroambassador” Tõnn’s fall migration route is the green line on the map. His spring route is in orange.




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