Port Lincoln Osprey nest cam, Australia

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Re: Port Lincoln Osprey nest cam, Australia

Post by seira »

February 6

https://www.facebook.com/portlincolnosp ... 882076976/
2023.02.06 - While Zoe is off exploring the great state of South Australia Mum & Dad are having some quiet time on the barge in Port Lincoln, once again proving that when the young leave the nest it is not always with the parents.


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Post by seira »

February 8

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Good to see that Phantom is doing well at Brown's Beach on Kangaroo Island. Thanks for sharing Joséphine Warnet


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ABC Eyre Peninsula
From Port Lincoln on January 29th, to Woomera and back to north of Sheringa just this morning, osprey fledgling Zoe has had an amazing journey over the last week.
A beach-side stay at Mount Drummond, Flinders Island and then onto an outback adventure to take in the Gawler Ranges, Lake Gairdner, Woomera and Lake Torrens - the young bird has flown over 1000 kilometres in around a week.
"My first thought was that somebody has found her and stuffed her in a car and driven to Woomera, but it was obvious when you saw the track that that's not what happened," said Fran Solly, secretary of Friends of Osprey.
While the interview was on the ABC Eyre Peninsula breakfast show with Emma Pedler, Zoe came back into the trackers range.
"I'm just checking and the latest check-in has just come... she is between Sheringa Beach and Locks Well, so that is an absolutely awesome spot for her to be," Fran said.
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Post by seira »

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Here is the latest report from Ian Falkenberg regarding our tracked Osprey and Wedge Tailed Eagles

Hi everyone
Please find attached updated satellite tracking data for some of the Ospreys and Wedge-tailed Eagles for February 2023.

Port Lincoln (Barge) – Osprey Zoe - (February 2023)
The satellite tracking data for this female Osprey shows that she has been fledged for about 75 days and one of the first to fledge this season. Not surprising that this female has now become independent of her parents and fits within the established time frame for independence. Over the past week this Osprey has travelled to Mount Hope and onto to Elliston, out to Flinders Island and returned to Mount Hope. However the most surprising flights were through central Eyre Peninsula, Lake Gairdner and to Woomera where she remained for a couple of days on permanent water holes (near the sewage treatment works) and creek system on the outskirts of Woomera and then following a number of inland creeks and a series of lakes to the edge of Lake Torrens and then following inland lakes and creeks south to upper Eyre peninsula and then back to the coast near Elliston. Apart from an over night stay in some roadside mallee near Warramboo and mallee in Bascombe Well CP.

Some generally observations;
1. These type of inland flights for Ospreys can be particularly risky and whilst there maybe an abundant of water in these areas at present, foraging for fish would not be particularly easy in turbid waters and for a young Osprey that has recently become independent from its parents.
2. The flights to Woomera and Lake Torrens are very direct movements (few stop overs). These flights whilst relatively short in Australia, may have some similarities to the northern hemisphere Ospreys which are migratory and travel vast distances when they leave the dependency of their parents.
3. The return flight from Woomera and Lake Torrens to Elliston is also very direct (few stop overs).
4. The attraction for these significant inland flights may be the amount of surface water throughout parts of inland south Australia. Over the past 18 months these areas have received significant rainfalls and all bird life has flourished including water birds, wetland birds, migratory shore birds, etc, etc.

Kangaroo Island – Cape Gantheaume – (February 2023)
One female Osprey young fitted with a Satellite Tracker on the 12th December 2022. This Osprey young fledged on the 22nd December 2022 and has been on the wing for 48 days. Clearly this Osprey is still dependent on its parents and her range over the past 4 weeks is less than 2 km from the nest with a preference to the northern end of Wheatons Beach

Price - American River / Pelican Lagoon - (February 2023)
The Osprey (Phantom) remains in the American River / Pelican Lagoon area, 16 months following fitting of the satellite tracker in early Nov 2021. Not a great deal to report other than this Osprey still prefers the American Beach area north of Pelican Lagoon.
Price Osprey - Yorke Peninsula – (February 2023)
Two male Osprey young produced at this artificial nest platform, the heaviest chick fitted with a satellite tracker fledged on the 14th December and has been on the wing for about 55 days. Clearly this male Osprey is still dependent on its parents and his range over the past 4 weeks is about 12 km from the nest to north of Clinton township with a preference also for the Price Salt Fields south of Price.

Yackamoorundie – Wedge-tailed Eagle – (January 2023)
This male WTE has been fledged for 65 weeks (457 days) and continues to make some very significant flights over southern South Australia. Over the past month he has spent some considerable time in the south east near Kingston (SE). However last week when the tracker did not connect with the network for about 4 days, I thought the worst. This could mean a mortality. On Wednesday 1st February, I had planned to drive to Kingston to the last known location of the Eagle in a paddock about 800 meters from a farm house and try to find and retrieve the Eagle for an autopsy. At 5am I had checked the tracker one last time before departing for Kingston and low and behold the tracker had connected to the network and the Eagle was now near Truro in the Barossa Valley (15 minutes from where I live). The Elevation Profile shows that over the 31 days he travelled a total of 1,008 km. The single flight between Kingston and Truro was 248 km at an average altitude of 1,000 meters elevation during this flight only. Average elevation for flights over the 31 days was 440meters. Maximum elevation for flights was 1,734 mtrs Again clearly this WTE has a preference for the eastern Mount Lofty Ranges around the Truro area.

Stoney Gap - Wedge-tailed Eagle – (February 2023)
This female WTE has been fledged for 66.5 weeks (465 days) and has been spending some time amongst wind farms in the Mid North near Peterborough and Orroroo. If you look closely at the map and follow the roads linking wind turbines, you can see the towers and shadows on the ground of about 30 wind turbines. As I have highlighted previously, these wind farms would be considered high risk for Eagles and clearly the remnant vegetation along the these range of hills and ridgelines are prime eagle habitat (Also important to note that the Peterborough and Orroroo areas have a long history of Eagle persecution)

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Post by seira »

February 12

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We have had quite a big weekend hosting Ian and Margaret from Friends of Osprey who have been doing some ground work for some artificial nest platforms that will be installed on Eyre Peninsula this year. One of the highlights is always seeing how many Osprey we can spot for Ian on his visits. This time it was good to find this un-named female at Wiseman's Landing, she is indeed a beauty and certainly quite a large bird. She had eaten her fill and was just hanging on the remains of the fish for later. While we were admiring her Calypso flew in looking a tad envious of that fish



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Thanks so much to Graeme Lembcke who has shared this wonderful photo of Zoe taken the day before she left the Port Lincoln area. Zoe remains out of phone range and we continue to hope she will fly into range soon.

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Post by seira »

February 22

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How lucky are we to be able to watch Ervie on a daily basis right in our town. Thanks for sharing Sandra Wallace


February 21

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It is now 13 days since we last heard from Zoe. We are still having issues with Telstra - as only 1 of the 6 trackers checked in tonight. Fingers crossed she is doing OK - can only wait patiently.
Here is the latest update from Ian Falkenberg
Please find attached additional updates of satellite tracking data for February of the Ospreys and Wedge-tailed Eagles. Please keep in mind I select some of the more interesting and pertinent data to share and circulate as updates and this is the second for February. Given Lee Heards departure from DEW, I have also updated my circulation list so I hope I have not missed anyone and you do not receive duplicates.

Port Lincoln (Barge) – Osprey Zoe - (February 2023 update)
This female Osprey has been fledged for about 85 days. Further to my last update, I have provided additional details of this Ospreys most significant flight through central Eyre Peninsula to Woomera, edge of Lake Torrens and then back to the coast near Elliston. Since departing Port Lincoln 3 weeks ago this Osprey has travelled a total of 1,440km and the Elevation Profile shows that over the past 18 days she has travelled a total of 1,310 km. The single flight from the coast at Mount Hope to Woomera / Lake Torrens and return to the coast at Elliston was 1,050km at an average altitude of 108 mtrs. This inland flight was undertaken over 3 days duration. Maximum elevation was 411 meters and minimum elevation of -6 mtrs. The Elevation Profile shows fights over the pastoral and agricultural areas were the highest (2 peaks) and the lowest flights were over the lake systems (eg low flat sections of the graph are flights over water to Flinders Island and the inland lakes
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Post by seira »

March 27

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Zoe & Ronnie might be MIA but it is good to know that Calypso is still in our area. Would be fantastic to see her with her own nest this season.


March 23

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Just when you wonder where they have all gone - Robert Wright was lucky enough to see them all together.

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Post by seira »

April 21

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2023.04.21 - Lovely to see Mum back having lunch on the barge today.

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Post by seira »

April 28

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Fran Solly > Friends of Osprey Sth Aus

Calypso (blue band) and friend were in their favourite dead tree near Tulka yesterday. Calypso is a four year old so she is just breeding age. I'm still a bit confused about this plumage the other bird also looks like a female and bigger than Calypso but there is a third bird often seen with them that is a male so I guess we will just have to wait and see who mates with whom!! The biggest question is will they find a nest...a platform is being installed on private property at Sleaford Bay so my hope is that they find it.


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2023.04.24 - Tiff Alpin was lucky enough to see both Mum & Dad out the front of Bay 10. Would be great to know where they have been for the last few months, but it looks like they are back in town now and it wont be long before they start nestorations for the coming season.
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Post by seira »

May 9

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2023.05.09 - After a light shower on the barge Mum flew down to have a drink of 'fresh' water - once again showing that Osprey DO drink fresh water.


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Mum was feasting on a nice fish at the Greyhound Road ponds yesterday. She flew off with the fish and took it back to the Barge to finish it

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Post by seira »

May 17

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Couple of close up shots of Ervie today. He is looking very handsome I think.

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Post by seira »

June 1

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Fran Solly > Friends of Osprey Sth Aus
The Artificial Nesting Platform installed last year at Tumby Island is looking a picture with both Osprey in residence for the start of the 2023 Season. Last year this pair laid two eggs and sadly both failed to hatch for some reason. Lets hope after 12 months in their new home they have a better season this year.
(Visit to the Island supervised and under permit)


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2023.06.01 - So nice to see Mum on the barge with a fish but we still have approx 2 months to wait for an egg.


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Fran Solly > Friends of Osprey Sth Aus
The bird in the top of the pine tree is a female bird with the photo taken this week. The bird flying I know is "Pro" the female bird from Louth Bay whose partner died after damaging a leg in an entanglement - photo taken in 3/2022. The third bird was photographed at Louth Bay in 2021. I reckon they are all the same bird based on the unusual "speckles" on the plumage. If that's the case....has Pro moved into the Port Lincoln area in search of a new mate and I wonder if she thinks Ervie is a possible candidate?? Ahh the musings of an Osprey tragic!

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Post by seira »

June 12

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2023.06.12 - Great that you can drive 10 minutes from home and watch 3 Osprey enjoying the windy conditions. Look how effortlessly they can stay up there, one flap of the wings is all it takes. We may not know the fate of all the chicks from the barge so it is really special to see Calypso and Ervie flying free around Port Lincoln.

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Thanks to Bazz for capturing these great photos of Mum freshening up.

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August 6

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Mum and Dad enjoying some quiet time before the eggs arrive in a few days

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Post by seira »

August 8

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We have had so many enquiries about Zoe so I thought I would try and tell you as much as we know. Zoe was last seen on the Barge on the 29th January 2023. After leaving the Port Lincoln Barge she flew inland turning back to the coast near Point Drummond where she registered on the 30th January. The next data from the tracker showed that Zoe had travelled on to Elliston and that she had made a trip out to Flinders Island. She had the right idea because that area does support Osprey, but we wonder if she might have been an unwelcome visitor in another birds territory. From Elliston she doubled back to Point Drummond and the tracker pattern is consistent with foraging but we don’t know if she was successful. Zoe’s next position put her near Woomera – just the wrong place for a fish-eating bird. She had flown over Lake Gairdner and eventually stopped at sewerage ponds at Woomera. Her position here was confirmed by a Friend of Osprey who was able to sight her and send a photo. While there was thought to be carp in the pond there was unlikely to be sufficient fish to sustain her. Two days later she was on the move again heading to Lake Torrens before returning to Point Drummond. Transmissions stopped shortly after she returned to Point Drummond on the 8th February where her position was recorded on one occasion after which the signal from the tracker was insufficient to affect a recovery. Friends of Osprey went to the area and searched the cliffs and beaches but it is difficult terrain and no sign of her was found.
Ian Falkenberg analysed the data from the tracker and reported 13 days after her last record “This female Osprey has been fledged for about 85 days. Further to my last update, I have provided additional details of this Ospreys most significant flight through central Eyre Peninsula to Woomera, edge of Lake Torrens and then back to the coast near Elliston. Since departing Port Lincoln 3 weeks ago this Osprey has travelled a total of 1,440km and the Elevation Profile shows that over the past 18 days she has travelled a total of 1,310 km at an average altitude of 108mts. This inland flight was undertaken over 3 days duration. Maximum elevation was 411 mtrs and minimum elevation of -6 mtrs. The Elevation profile shows flights over the pastoral land agricultural areas were the highest and the lowest were over the (salt) lake systems.” After subsequent searches in the area and no further reports we were forced to conclude that Zoe was lost and with no recovery we are left to question why. It is likely she was in a weakened state after her long flight and perhaps got into trouble foraging in the surf or perhaps she was predated on by a fox we don’t know.

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Post by seira »

September 6

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2023.09.06 - FINALLY - Early this morning Mum laid the first egg for the season - we were all starting to think this was not going to happen. Let's hope another two are on the way.


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2023.09.06 - While some of us in Australia were sleeping, Bart in the Netherlands was wide awake and watching and waiting patiently for Mum to lay the first egg for the season.
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September 9

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We Have A Second Egg!!

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Post by seira »

September 12

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2023.09.12 - Seaweed is in the way but I'm thinking we now have 3 eggs on the barge. The 3rd egg was laid at 6.46am today. Wonder if Mum knew she had people watching and waiting from all over the world while she actually laid the egg - something that not many people see. Time for Dad to go and catch her a nice fish for breakfast.


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2023.09.12 - Mum has been out for a little exercise while Dad does the incubating - looks like he is reluctant to give up the egg sitting even tho Mum is yelling in his ear.
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Post by seira »

October 17

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2023.10.17 - The 2nd egg laid is the 1st egg to hatch.

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Post by seira »

October 18

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Here is a clip of the 'Life of Giliath' made by Bart Molenaar.
Bart has spent so much time collating all the information on this nest we decided to give him naming rights to this chick.
He has named she/he 'Giliath' after his best friend - his cat,and the best way to remember him for all time. The name means 'host of stars' in elvish (Tolkien) which is a very fitting name for an osprey (the star of the sky) and full of promise for a host of ospreys to come.


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2023.10.18 - Hello Giliath. Hope it's not long before you have some siblings.

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