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Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 9th, 2014, 4:33 pm
by Bea
15:31 - Male calls not so far away

16:25 - since a few minutes male calls again

~16:30 - male landed in! Female is sometimes answering in a distance
Image Image

No zoomer until now - maybe he is out for Christmas shopping :mrgreen:

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 9th, 2014, 5:34 pm
by Bea
16:33 - Female answering calls are as well hoarse calls as *uuhuuuuu* too. Some sound like more hissing. A mix of all :laugh:


At 16:34 he hopped forward and flew out of view.

Ring right leg - for my opinion it was Heinzl

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 9th, 2014, 5:57 pm
by Bea
Pixtura got him too

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 9th, 2014, 6:04 pm
by Bea
17:04 - Female calls

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 9th, 2014, 7:03 pm
by Michi
Bea wrote:There is a video about this visit, made by suinmarin. Another *ahem* - "interesting" vocalisation and fly-in!
Bea :thumbs: Thank you for the video! Indeed an interesting vocalisation and a very strongly voice. :D
Especially the oohoos are great! :mrgreen:

Many thanks to all of you for comments, pictures and videos! :2thumbsup:

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 9th, 2014, 11:45 pm
by Bea
22:40 - A series of warning calls could be heard, cam panned over the ledge, but couldn´t find an owl

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 11th, 2014, 10:53 am
by Bea
11. December

A short visit today at 08:02 - male with ring right leg

Video by suinmarin

Pixtura caught him, too :)

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 11th, 2014, 5:27 pm
by Bea
16:26 - male begins to call

16:39 - Female is anwering - and same minute male is flying in :laugh:

No zoom until now, cam is focussed quite far away from nest corner .... ahh - but now it zoomes a bit closer


At 16:43 he takes off again - in the same moment when cam changes to night light

It looks as if he wore a ring on the right leg, I suppose it was Heinzl

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 12th, 2014, 10:32 am
by Bea
12. December

This morning female visit happened at the nest :D
At around 4 minutes she changed her calls from "uuuhuuuu" to hoarse calls until she took off

Video from suinmarin

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 12th, 2014, 5:42 pm
by Bea
16:41 - male Eagle Owl landing in :loveshower: Female calls in a bit distance, there was a duet between them before

Image Image

He took off at 16:47, there was zoom only moments before take-off


I think I saw the ring on right leg and that it was Heinzl.

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 12th, 2014, 10:05 pm
by Riitta
Thank you, Bea, for your daily comments, pictures & video(s), if it is possible. :gathering:

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 14th, 2014, 8:26 am
by Fleur
December 14
Male call few times in the distance
7:28 again

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 14th, 2014, 8:46 am
by Fleur
Female to hear and Male....short sounds and a tune ...perhaps mating

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 16th, 2014, 5:18 pm
by Bea
16. December

16:15 - male Eagle Owl calling, not sooo far away

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 17th, 2014, 9:06 am
by Bea
17. December

I opened the cam - and there is a male in the nest corner :loveshower:


Pixtura got him

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 17th, 2014, 9:10 am
by Bea
A new article from Stefan Brücher:


Liebe Uhufreunde,

obwohl der Brutbeginn erst in ungefähr drei Monaten stattfinden wird können wir regelmäßig Uhus am Nistplatz beobachten.
Wie schon im vorherigen Tagebucheintrag erwähnt wagen sich manchmal auch fremde, weibliche Uhus an Lottes Brutplatz. Es gab mindestens zwei weitere "Fremdbesuche" und nun konnten wir eindeutig auch ein nicht diesjähriges Weibchen erkennen. Die Stimme des Vogels war schon vollständig ausgeprägt, sie setzte sich einfach in die Brutnische und scharrte als wollte sie am nächsten Tag Eier legen. Am 8.12. konnten wir sehen wie Lotte diese Konkurrentin unsanft aus dem Nest beförderte.

Lotte ist gefordert sich zu behaupten und ihre Fitness wird dabei immer wieder auf die Probe gestellt. Ein traditioneller Brutplatz in einer hohen Felswand ist unter Uhus sehr begehrt und wird bei steigendem innerartlichen Konkurrenzdruck nur von den kräftigen Uhus erfolgreich verteidigt. Erkrankt ein Uhu ernsthaft wird er schnell ersetzt, und nur wirklich kräftige Tiere können die besten Brutplätze für sich beanspruchen. Die Verdrängungsversuche von "Eindringlingen" können wir durch die Cam erstmals hautnah beobachten und dokumentieren.

Aber auch weniger spektakuläres ist zu sehen: Mäuse, Gartenschläfer und sogar eine Eidechse noch im Dezember!

Sollte ein deutlicher Wintereinbruch stattfinden rechnen wir mit deutlich weniger Uhuaktivität. Ab Ende Januar müsste dann die Frühjahresbalz beginnen. Ob sich die Uhus an diesen "Fahrplan" halten?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Stefan Brücher
Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung der Eulen e. V.

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 17th, 2014, 9:11 am
by Bea
Image Image

Image Image

He took off at 08:12

I didn´t catch him flying in, when I opened the cam he was right there. But I suppose that he landed only moments before.

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 17th, 2014, 11:43 pm
by Fleur

thank you for the update Bea ( Stefan )

I have a moment from this morning.....

Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 18th, 2014, 7:28 am
by Fleur
December 17


Re: SWR Uhu Webcam (Germany, Eifel)

Posted: December 19th, 2014, 5:14 pm
by Riitta
December 19

16:11 - 16:25 Non-stop calling in the distance. :laugh:
I have to leave the house now.