Latvian black storks - 2020/2021

Black Stork nests in Latvia
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Re: Latvian black storks - 2020/2021

Post by Liz01 »

10:46 they are resting- preening - doing nest work. two of them made a healthy ps

10:57 there is someone nearby


11:20 wing and leg stretching

11:21 tiny ps by one of them

the oldest is stretching out his wings
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Post by Liz01 »

11:33 Grafs :loveshower: great to see him!



They poke in the bottom of the nest. :slap:
Better not do that. As far as I can remember, this is how the nest was destroyed in 2018
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Post by Liz01 »

12:05 they are twittering and sitting in a circle
12:07 parent flew off
12:09 parent flew off again.. or was it a stranger (I only heard it)

12:10 they start twittering again
feeding by Grāfiene



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Post by Liz01 »

15:30 Feeding by Grafs


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Post by Liz01 »

It is a pity that the stream is not working well. It is exhausting to follow the events. :slap:
As if I'm only doing feeding pictures and video at the moment. Until Perle has fledged! Then I have more time for this camera.

16:21 someone is nearby. A parent?
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Post by Liz01 »

17:24 begging :D
17:28 they are still begging. That could be Grafiene

17:29 here she comes :laugh:


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Post by Liz01 »

18:15 healthy ps by an storklet. :2thumbsup:
they are big and strong!

There were five feedings till now!
The oldest is 48 days old. still 12 days until the first possible fledge (The earliest documented fledge was 56 days in a nest with 4 chicks) On average, they spend 65-72 days in the nest, depending on the food available.
Hatch Times:
June 12th
June 14th
June 15th

BTW: There are documented cases of late broods.
In late broods or 2nd clutch, the chicks often do not fledge until the end of August or beginning of September.
For example, on a nest in Schleswig-Holstein, as well as on 2 nests in Mecklenburg-Pomerania.
since they were without a transmitter, it is not known whether they made it to Africa
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Post by Liz01 »

It is about the fear that the nest will not hold and that something could have been done to fix the nest.

I agree! it can crash, especially since the storklets tend to poke in the bottom of the nest! So only what we can do is "finger crossed" that it will hold till they are able to fly! 🤞🤞

Simba, thank you very much! :2thumbsup: I know the problem with this n est. There is nothing that we can do. I agree every word!
Simba wrote: July 29th, 2021, 8:16 pm
Pakomentēšu šo. Ligzdas sastāvs būtībā ir kūdra. Zemāk attēlā ir pirms dažām dienām apciemota pussabrukusi melnā stārķa ligzda zemē, un te var lieliski redzēt, no kā ligzda sastāv. Šobrīd, kad ir tik sausa vasara, kūdras materiāls birst caur apakšu ārā kā putekļi.
Otrs - ligzda atrodas 3 metrus no stumbra, kas nozīmē, ka jebkādas stutes no stumbra virzienā uz vējā kustošos zaru ir fiziski neiespējamas.
Trešais - ja iet runa par stuti no zemes. Ligzda atrodas apmēram 20m augstumā, turklāt meža vidū. Baltajam stārķim uzsūtīt kādu speciālu stabu un lauka vidū pievest un ierakt ticams, ka būtu iespējams, bet ne jau meža masīvā. Var jau protams izcirst un uzbērt arī ceļu šim mērķim, bet ar garantiju no putna puses tas netiktu novērtēts atzinīgi.
Ceturtais - ligzdu sabrukšanas melno stārķu dzīvēs ir regulāras un šeit tas nav izņēmums. Ir diezgan muļķīgi mēģināt imitēt kaut kādus stārķim reāli nevajadzīgus (un šai vietā neiespējamus) ligzdas glābšanas darbus tikai tāpēc, ka te ir kamera pielikta.
Var protams nojaukt ligzdu pavisam un nozāģēt zaru, uz kā ligzda atrodas, tā vietā uztaisot mākslīgo pamatni pie stumbra. Bet šeit tas ir lieki un stārķim nevajadzīgi, jo ligzda ik gadu tiek atjaunota, turklāt tas būtu lieks vizuāls traucējums šīs ligzdas iemītniekiem, kas tomēr ir izmainīta ligzdas vieta. Ticams, ka šis risinājums ietekmētu arī iespējas pie ligzdas pievienot kameru etc.
Līdz ar to aicinu - ļaujiet dabai būt dabai arī tad, ja šeit ir dota iespēja šiem dabas procesiem sekot līdzi!


I will comment on this. The composition of the nest consists essentially of peat. The picture below shows a black stork nest on the ground, half destroyed a few days ago, and here you can see exactly what the nest is made of. Now that the summer is so dry, the peat material oozes out like dust.
2. the nest is located 3 meters from the trunk, which means that any pillar from the trunk to the branches moving in the wind are physically impossible.
3. when it comes to support from the ground. The nest lies at a height of approx. 20 m, in the middle of the forest. It is possible to attach an additional support to a white stork nest if it is in the middle of a field, but not in the forest. Of course, it is possible to cut and pave the way for this, but with a guarantee from the bird it would not be desirable.
4. the collapse of nests in the life of black storks is regular and is no exception. It is quite foolish to imitate some nest rescue work that is not really necessary (and impossible here) for the stork just because a camera is attached here.
Of course, you can also completely dismantle the nest and cut off the branch on which the nest is located instead of making an artificial base on the trunk. But here it is unnecessary and unnecessary for the stork, since the nest is renewed every year, moreover it would be an unnecessary visual impairment for the inhabitants of this nest, which, however, has changed the location of the nest. It is likely that this solution would also affect the ability to plug a camera into an electrical outlet, etc.
That is why I call - nature be nature, even if it is hard here to follow these natural processes!
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Post by Liz01 »

July 30

Good Morning everyone :hi:

6:23:18 a squirrel?
hard to tell :puzzled:
Sciurus vulgaris - different calls
https://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothe ... XRBN7RKSIQ

is calling danger all stand up and are growling
6:27:17 bird of prey is flying from the left to the right
it sounds like a buzzard

6:29:55 is flying on the right - danger is over
danger is over

Zoom to the bird & and speed 0,3
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Post by Liz01 »

7:28 preening :innocent:


they are such beauties!
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7:54 storklets are begging
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Post by Liz01 »

7:55 Mom brings breakfast

a lot of food

7:56 she left

7:59 they are still eating :2thumbsup:

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Post by Liz01 »

8:12 Grafs brings food for the kids :loveshower:



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Post by Liz01 »

11:52 Grafs brings fish for the storklets



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Post by Liz01 »

13:14 Grafiene brings a lot of food


there she goes

the fourth feeding
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Post by Liz01 »

13:56 horrible wind on nest :slap:

15:22 someone is nearby .. they are looking around. :D

15:28 strong wind again

i would prefer that they sit down :bow:
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Post by Liz01 »

16:07 storklets are begging
16:08 .. the same game as yesterday - parent flew off.. is still nearby
16:09 they start begging again
16:10 .. could be Grafiene :whistling:
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Post by Liz01 »

16:12 here she comes again

16:13 Mom 8-)



16:14 she flew off. Great feeding as always and I saw nothing .

the fifth feeding
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Post by Liz01 »

16:37 begging.. and Grafs comes with food :loveshower:



the sixth feeding
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Post by Liz01 »

19:04 storklet #2 is poking in the nest bowl. :slap:

is scratching his /her head and standing on one leg :thumbs:

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