Facts about the Lesser Spotted Eagle

Database with information about Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagles

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Facts about the Lesser Spotted Eagle

Post by Felis silvestris »

Wikipedia article:
English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesser_spotted_eagle
Eesti: http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%A4ike-konnakotkas
German: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schreiadler

Names of the Lesser spotted Eagle, historical and current, scientific and colloquial:

Scientific names:
Aquila naevia pomarina Br. 1831
Aquila assimilis, subnaevia or rufonuchalis (Brehm, 1882)
Aquila pomarina pomarina Hart. 1913
Praedo Naevianus pomarinus Kl. 1918
Lophaetus pomarinus

2014: According to: del Hoyo, C. (ed.) et al.: Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World, Vol. 1 Non-passerines (publ. Sept. 2014)
the taxonomic the scientific name of the
Aquila pomarina has been changed to Clanga pomarina

See also: http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/specie ... hp?id=3530

Common (German) names:
Rau(c)hfuß-, Frosch-, Kaffee- und Entenadler, großer Bussard, Schreier, hochbeiniger und gescheckter Adler (nach: Floericke)

International names:
Afrikaans = Gevlekte Arend
Albanian = Shqiponja e vogël e rosave
Arabian = العقاب الأسفع الصغير, العقاب المنقط الصغير
Armenian = [Poqr Artsiv ], Փոքր Արծիվ, Փոքր Են աարծիվ
Azerbaijani = Kiçik qartalça
Basque = Àguila pomerània, Arrano pomeaniarra
Belorussian = Малы арлец
Bulgarian = Малък креслив орел
Catalan = Àguila pomerània
Chinese = 小乌雕
Czech = Orel kriklavý, Orel křiklavý
Danish = Lille Skrigeørn, Skrigeørn
Deutsch = Schreiadler, Schreiadler-pomarina
Dutch = Schreeuw arend, Schreeuwarend
Englisch = European Lesser Spotted Eagle, Lesser spotted eagle
Esperanto = Malgranda kriaglo
Estonian = Väike-konnakotkas
Finnish = Pikkukiljukotka
French = Aigle pomarin, Buse pattue
Galician = Aguia pomerana, Àguila pomerània
Georgian = პატარა მყივანი არწივი
Greek = Κραυγαετός
Hebrew = חורש, עיט חורף, עיט חורש
Hungarian = Békászó sas, Kis békászó sas
Icelandic = Gnýörn
Italian = Aquila anatraia minore
Japanese = アシナガワシ = ashinagawashi
Kazachian = Кіші қыран
Kwangali = Ngongo
Latin = Aquila pomarina, Aquila pomarina pomarina, Ictinaetus pomarinus
Latvian = Mazais ērglis
Lithuanian = Erelis rėksnys, Mažasis erelis reksnys, Mažasis erelis rėksnys
Luxembourgian = Jäizadler
Macedonian = Мал креслав (Пегав) орел
Maltese = Ajkla tat-Tikki
Norwegian = Småskrikeørn, Småskrikørn
Polish = Orlik krzykliwy
Portuguese = Águia-pomarina
Romansh = Evla-stgella pitschna
Russian = Малый подорлик, Подорлик малый
Swedish = Mindre skrikörn
Serbian = Orao kliktaš, Orao kliktaš, žabar, orao klokotaš, žabar, Жабар, Орао кликташ
Slowakian = orol krikľavý
Slowenian = mali klinkac, mali klinkač
Spanish = Aguila Pomerana, Águila Pomerana
Swahili = Tai Madoa
Turkish = Küçük Bağırgan Kartal, Küçük Orman Kartalı, küçük orman kartaly
Ukrainian = Малий підорлик, Орел-скигляк малий, Підорлик малий
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Post by Felis silvestris »

Europe birdguide online: Lesser Spotted Eagle:
http://www.avibirds.com/euhtml/Lesser_S ... Eagle.html

Estonian Eagles: Lesser Spotted Eagle

Ringing of Lesser Spotted Eagles:

Lithuanian Eagles: Lesser Spotted Eagle:

Animal Diversity Web:
http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/s ... arina.html

Lesser Spotted Eagle in Africa:
http://www.biodiversityexplorer.org/bir ... marina.htm

Global Raptors: Lesser Spotted Eagles
http://globalraptors.org/grin/SpeciesRe ... pecID=8168

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Aquila Pomarina

European Raptors: Lesser Spotted Eagle
http://europeanraptors.org/raptors/less ... eagle.html
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Poster by Internationales Symposium "Populationsökologie von Greifvogel- und Eulenarten", Halberstadt, 21.-24.10.2010

http://www.raptor-research.de/pdfs/a_rp ... iadler.pdf

http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/22926270/1 ... E+Riga.pdf
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Booklets, Flyers, Handouts

NABU - Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V.
http://www.nabu.de/imperia/md/content/n ... utz/19.pdf

Ministerium für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
des Landes Brandenburg (MLUV)

Booklet on German Eagles - White Tailed Eagle, Osprey and Lesser Spotted Eagle
http://www.mugv.brandenburg.de/cms/medi ... /adler.pdf

Deutsche Umwelthilfe
http://www.duh.de/uploads/media/Projekt ... ler_01.pdf

Deutsche Wildtierstiftung
On German Eagles:
http://www.deutschewildtierstiftung.de/ ... eadler.pdf
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Feathers of Lesser Spotted Eagles

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Sightings of Lesser Spotted Eagles



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