Migration of birds with transmitters

Database with information about Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagles

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Migration of birds with transmitters

Post by Felis silvestris »

Migration map including Estonian Lesser and Greater spotted Eagles:


Discussion and other updates: viewforum.php?f=65

Short guide

All the birds are visible by default. Deselect one or few birds whose path you don't want to see.
Mark checkbox 'route', if you would like to see graphical trace.
Select, whether you would like to see all points or just one point per day.

If these choises have been made, you will see bird's last position on map.

To see animation, then click 'Play' under the map.
Click 'Pause' to stop animation. Resume by clicking 'Play' again.
You can scroll step-by-step forward or backward by daily or weekly hops.
Click "To Start" again to play animation again from start.

Default time is last year and season, also last locations are displayed. You can select earlier periods and/or years.

Program works slower:
if you select all birds,
if you watch graphical trace,
if you select all points,
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with old computer.

Program works faster:
if you select 1...3 birds simultaneously,
if you see only location without trace,
if you take one point per day,
if you have quick internet connection,
with new computer.

For best performance we suggest Google Chrome brauser.
If the questions appear, please turn: urmas@kotkas.ee

Images are by Urmas Sellis, if not mentioned other author.
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German sources - birds with transmitters

1. Deutsche Wildtierstiftung

2. Frühjahrszug der besenderten Schreiadler 2012 - Information by B.-U. Meyburg

3. Frühjahrszug der besenderten Schreiadler 2013 - Information by B.-U. Meyburg

4. Herbstzug der besenderten Schreiadler 2013 - Information by B.-U. Meyburg
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Post by Felis silvestris »

1. Deutsche Wildtierstiftung 2008

Follow a LSE to Africa:

http://maps.google.de/maps/ms?hl=de&ie= ... .40625&z=2

NB: no active map!
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2. Frühjahrszug der besenderten Schreiadler 2012 - Information by B.-U. Meyburg

Information by E-mail (April 8, 2012)

Derzeit haben wir noch 10 Schreiadler auf Sendung:

23196: Ad. Männchen Ste. (M-V). Wurde 2005 von mir besendert. Ein Aufsatz über dieses Tier erschien vor wenigen Monaten:

Torsten Langgemach & Bernd-Ulrich Meyburg:

Funktionsraumanalysen - ein Zauberwort der
Landschaftsplanung mit Auswirkungen auf den
Schutz von Schreiadlern (Aquila pomarina) und
anderen Großvögeln.

und kann von mir angefordert werden.

Dieser alte Sender funktioniert nur noch sporadisch in Afrika. Letzte Ortung am 13.2.12 in Sambia NW von Lusaka.

36235: Ad. Männchen BS (BB), besendert im Sommer 2006. Am 6.4.12 mittags in der nördlichen Mittelslowakeim (noch ca. 575 km vom Brutplatz), am 7.4. abends 180 km weiter gezogen südl. Oppeln in Schlesien geortet. Der Vogel dürfter in den nächsten Tagen am Brutplatz in Brandenburg eintreffen.

41861: Dieses ad. Weibchen war bei der Besenderung am Brutplatz (D) in der nördl. Uckermark im Sommer 2004 als einziger Schreiadler bisher beringt (als Nestling 2000 in M-V). In den vergangenen Jahren hatte es stets Bruterfolg. Über diesen Vogel wurde wiederholt in der Literatur berichtet. Bei ihm wurde erstmals der Besuch weit entfernter, fremder Nester nachgewiesen. Auf dem Herbstzug 2011 konnte der Vogel in Israel an einem Schlafplatz gut fotografiert werden. Der Sender saß perfekt, das Tier machte insgesamt auf den Fotos einen sehr guten Eindruck. Es überwintert stets im NW von Botswana und Norden von Namibia.

Dieses jetzt knapp 12-jährige Tier trägt derzeit den jetzt ältesten noch funktionierend Sender, der inzwischen seit knapp 8 Jahren Ortungen liefert.

Am 3.4.12 mittags wurde der Vogel zuletzt im nördlichen Bulgarien nahe der Grenze zu Rumänien SE von Bukarest geortet.

84370: Dieses Männchen vom Brutplatz Go (M-V) wurde 2008 besendert. Am 7.4.12 wurde es zuletzt mittags im Flug knapp östl. von Istanbul mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 40 km/h geortet.

94758: Das dazugehörige Weibchen vom Brutvorkommen Go (M-V) war im Juli 2010 besendert worden. Im letzten Jahr schritt das Paar nicht zur Brut, der alte Horst war von einem Mäusebussard besetzt worden. Das Weibchen besuchte weit entfernte Brutgebiete, das Männchen blieb nach den Ortungen im Horstgebiet.

Am 6./.7.4.2012 wurde es zuletzt in der Ukraine nahe der Grenze zu SE-Polen geortet.

74996: Dieses Männchen war Anfang August 2007 am Brutplatz (Bu.) bei Templin besendert worden. Im letzten Jahr schritt es nicht zur Brut, 2010 wurde sein Junges vom Habicht geschlagen.

Der Adler wurde zuletzt am 5.4.12 um 12 Uhr sehr hoch fliegend in der Nähe von Iskenderun in der Süd-Türkei geortet.

94739: Dies ist ein knapp dreijähriger lettischer "Abel", der 2009 mittels der Hacking-Methode in Brandenburg ausgewildert wurde. Bisher als einziger besenderter Schreiadler zog er im Herbst östlich am Roten Meer entlang und überquerte die Meerenge Bab-el-Mandeb. Dort waren bereits einzelne Schreiadler beobachtet worden, dies wurde aber erst jetzt nach der Telemetrie anerkannt. Der Adler wurde zuletzt am 7.4.12 in Zentral-Uganda geortet.

94743: Es handelt sich um einen knapp dreijährigen jungen (ungemanagten) Adler aus M-V, der im Sommer 2009 von mir als Nestling besendert wurde. 2011 kehrte er im September erstmals kurz nach Deutschland zurück, nachdem er lange in Weißrußland übersommert hatte und dort auch zusammen mit einem anderen Schreiadler im Westen des Landes von Ornithologen beobachtet und fotografiert werden konnte. Am 7.4.12 zog er im SE-Sudan am Roten Meer entlang.

94756: Dieses ad. Männchen war Mitte August 2009 am Brutplatz Gra. in M-V. besendert worden. 2011 schritt es nicht zur Brut. Am 4.4.12 wurde es zuletzt westlich von Warna in Bulgarien auf dem Zug geortet.

95786: Es handelt sich um einen fast zweijährigen (ungemanagten) Jungadler vom Brutplatz Ste. in M-V und um einen Nachkommen des Männchens 23196. Dieses Jungtier übersommert 2011 im westlichen Litauen. Leider gelang es nicht, litauische Ornithologen dazu zu bewegen, den Vogel im Feld zu beobachten. Am 7.4.12 wurde der Adler zuletzt in Uganda nahe der Nordspitze des Albertsees geortet.
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Information sent by E-mail by B.-U. Meyburg (April 8, 2012):

At the moment we have 10 Lesser Spotted Eagles transmitting:

23196: Ad. Male Ste. (M-V *). Was supplied 2005 with transmitter by me. An article on this bird was published a few months back:

Torsten Langgemach & Bernd-Ulrich Meyburg:

Funktionsraumanalysen - ein Zauberwort der Landschaftsplanung mit Auswirkungen auf den Schutz von Schreiadlern (Aquila pomarina) und anderen Großvögeln.

and can be requested from me.

This old transmitter works only sporadically in Africa. Last positioning on 13.2.12 in Zambia, NW of Lusaka

36235: Ad. Male BS (BB*), fitted summer 2006. On 6.4.12 at noon in Northern Midslovakia (about 575 km from breeding place), on 7.4. moved 180 km on, located South of Opole (Poland). The bird should arrive at its breeding place n Brandenburg the next few days.

41861: This ad. female was, when being fitted with a transmitter at the breedingplace (D) in Northern Uckermark in summer 2004, the only already ringed bird (as nestling 2000 in M-V). During the past years it was always a successful breeder. About this birds there were repeatedly reports in literature. It was this bird that first time provided evidence about visits at distant alien nests. During Autumn migration 2011 the bird could be photographed at a roost in Israel. The transmitter sat perfect, the bird made an overall very good impression. It always winters in the NW of Botwana and North of Namibia.
This by now almost 12year old animal carries the

This now almost 12-year-old animal is currently carrying the now oldest still functioning transmitter, which now provides positioning data for almost 8 years.

On 3.4.12 at noon the bird was last located in Northern Bulgaria near the boarder to Rumania SE of Bucharest

84370: This male of breedingplace Go (M-V) was fitted with a transmitter in 2008. On 7.4.12 noon it was last located in flight east of Istanbul with a speed of 40 km/h.

94758: The corresponding female of breedingplace Go (M-V) was fitted with a transmitter in July 2010. Last year the pair did not breed, the old nest was occupied by a buzzard. The female visited distant breeding places, according to positioning the male stayed in the nest area.

On 6./7.4.2012 it was located last in the Ukraine near the boarder to SE-Poland

74996: This male was fitted in the beginning of August 2007 at the breedingplace (Bu) near Templin. Last year it did not breed, 2010 his chick was killed by a hawk.

The eagle was located last on 5.4.12 at noon flying very high near Iskenderun in South Turkey

94739: This is an almost three year old Lativian "Abel", who was released using the Hacking method in Brandenburg.
So far he is the only tracked LSE moving along the East of the Red Sea and crossed at the strait of Bab-el-Mandeb. Individual LSE had been observed there, but this was acknowledged only now by means of telemetry. The eagle was located last on 7.4.12 in Central Uganda.

94743: This is an almost three year old (unmanaged) eagle from M-V, which was fitted 2009 by me as nestling. 2011 in September it returned first time shortly to Germany, after it aestivated in Belarus and could be observed and photographed there together with another LSE by Ornithologists in the western part of the country. On 7.4.12 he moved along the Red Sea in SE Sudan.

94756: This ad. male was fitted with a transmitter in mid August 2009 at the breedingplace Ga. in M-V. 2011 it did not start breeding. On 4.4.12 it was located west of Varna in Bulgaria.

95786: This is an almost two year old (unmanaged) young eagle from breeding place Ste in M-V and an offspring of male 23196. This juvenile aestivated 2011 in western Lithuania. Unfortunately it was not possible to persuade Lithuanian Ornithologists to observe the bird in field. On 7.4.12 the eagle was last located in Uganda near the Northern tip of Lake Albert.

* M-V = Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; BB = Brandenburg
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3. Frühjahrszug der besenderten Schreiadler 2013 - Information by B.-U. Meyburg

Information by E-mail (April 14, 2012) / Posted April 14, 2013

Soweit bekannt traf als Erster wieder der einzige derzeit in Deutschland bekannte Schrei-Schelladler-Hybrid, ein Weibchen, an der Westgrenze des Verbreitungsgebietes in M-V ein. Das Tier wurde am 1. April 2013 von Martin Neubauer und Ehefrau bei dicker Schneedecke beobachtet. Der Adler flog herum, wurde von Kolkraben attackiert, rief mehrmals und zeigte Balzflug. Joachim Matthes war am 28.3. ca. 4 Stunden lang am Brutplatz und konnte das Tier noch nicht beobachten. Dieser Hybrid wurde in den vergangenen Jahren oft schon Ende März am Brutplatz beobachtet.

Der erste uns bekannt gewordene angekommene Schreiadler wurde von Jörg Schwabe am 12.4.13 an einem Brutplatz (Wo) am westlichen Rand des Verbreitungsgebietes in BB beobachtet. 2012 war dort der erste Adler am 11.04., der zweite am 14.04. da, in den Vorjahren manchmal bereits in den ersten Apriltagen.

Nun zu den besenderten Schreiadlern (vorangestellt jeweils die ID-Nummer des Senders):

0024: "Panni" mit GSM-Sender: Dieses jetzt knapp 21-jährige Männchen wurde am 13. April nördlich von Warschau geortet, dürfte also um den 15.-16. April am Brutplatz in M-V ankommen. Der genaue Ankunftstermin durch Vor-Ort-Beobachtungen würde uns sehr interessieren, genau so wie bei allen anderen Adlern.

41861: Dieses inzwischen "berühmte verrückte" knapp dreizehnjährige Weibchen (D_Wald2), (bei diesem Tier wurde erstmals das Besuchen fremder besetzter Horste durch weibliche Schreiadler nachgewiesen, siehe Journal of Ornithology 148: 157-166 (Dt. Zusammenfassung: Weshalb besuchen Schreiadler-Weibchen (Aquila pomarina) weit entfernte fremde Nester ?, abrufbar unter http://www.raptor-research.de/main.html) wurde am 3. April etwas nördlich von Istanbul geortet. Der Vogel wurde von mir im Sommer 2004 besendert, sodass die Leistung des Senders inzwischen deutlich nachgelassen hat und weniger Ortungen kommen. Nach meiner Schätzung dürfte der Vogel ca. am 15. April am Brutplatz in der Uckermark ankommen.

74996: Dieses ad. Männchen (B_heide) aus Brandenburg wurde am 8. April im nördlichen Syrien und am 12. April in Bulgarien geortet. Es dürfte nicht vor dem 20.-22. April ankommen.

84370: Dieses ad. Männchen aus M-V (Gor.) wurde am 10. April nördlich Burgas und am 12. April im zentralen Rumänien geortet. Es dürfte nicht vor dem 20.-22. April am Brutplatz ankommen.

94743: Dieser inzwischen fast vierjährige Jungadler wurde am 10. April nördlich von Burgas und am 12. April im nördlich Rumänien geortet. Wir schätzen, dass er ca. am 25.-28. April ankommen wird. Dieser Vogel ist extrem interessant. Er ist der erste Schreiadler, der als Nestling (2009) von mir besendert wir und seitdem ununterbrochen telemetriert wird. Er hat sich im letzten Sommer bereits auf ein Gebiet in M-V konzentriert, wo bisher kein Schreiadlerpaar gekannt ist. Er wurde dort zwar nicht beobachtet, jedoch kam ein anderer nicht besenderter Schreiadler in diesem Bereich zur Beobachtung. Vielleicht waren Beide bereits verpaart. Wir kennen einen anderen derartigen Fall eines dreijährigen Paares aus BB. Natürlich ist es jetzt extrem spannend, ob der Vogel brüten wird. Es wäre die erste lückenlose Telemetrie eines Schreiadler vom Ausfliegen aus dem Horst bis zur Ansiedlung nach mehreren Jahren. Weltweit gibt es auch von anderen Arten praktisch keine enstprechenden Daten über diese unbekannte Phase im Leben von Greifvögeln.

94756: Dieses ad. Männchen ("Dieter", Grans.) aus M-V. wird ebenfalls bereits seit etlichen Jahren telemetriert. Am 7. April wurde das Tier in Anatolien und am 13. April in Rumänien geortet. Geschätzte Ankunft ca. 22-15 April.

95786: Auch dieser jetzt fast dreijährige Jungadler aus M-V (Ste.) ist natürlich extrem interessant. Auch er wurde als Nestling besendert, ist bisher jedoch noch nicht nach Deutschland zurückgekehrt, sondern hat sich im Sommer immer viele hundert Kilometer weiter östlich in Litauen und Ost-Polen aufgehalten. Wird er in diesem Jahr erstmals nach Deutschland kommen? Am 10. April wurde er im Sudsudan und am 13. April im nördlichen Südsudan geortet. Es ist daher wirklich spannend, ob und wann er nach Europa kommen wird.

94758: Dieses ad.Weibchen aus M-V (Gor.), das zugehörige Männchen hat den Sender 84370, wurde am 12. April bei Warschau geortet, dürfte also ca. um den 16.-18. April am Brutplatz ankommen, also vor seinem Männchen. Vor-Ort-Beobachtungen beider Altvögel wären sehr interessant.

52027: Dieses ad. Männchen aus M-V (Sechsei.) wurde zuletzt am 9. April im südlichen Anatolien und am 13. April bei Istanbul geortet, dürfte also nicht vor dem 24.-26. April am Brutplatz erscheinen.

52030: Dieses ad. Weibchen ("Peggy") aus M-V wurde am 8. April südlich von Istanbul und am 13. April in Rumänien geortet. Auch diese Tier dürfte nicht vor dem 22.-24. April am Brutplatz eintreffen.

70101: Dieses ad. Männchen (L_hof) wurde am 10. April in der nördlichen Slowakei und am 13. April im südlichen Polen geortet, dürfte also um dem 16.-19. April am Brutplatz ankommen.

70105: Dies ist mit knapp 25 Jahren der bei weitem älteste bekannte lebende Schreiadler, ein Männchen aus M-V. Es gibt ansonsten bisher nur einen Totfund eines 27-jährigen Schreiadlers. Das Tier wurde am 10. April im nördlichen Rumänien und am 12. April nördlich von Krakow geortet. Geschätze Ankunft: 17.-19. April.

: Dies ist ein aus Lettland translozierter inzwischen knapp vierjähriger Jungadler ("Abel), der in Brandenburg mittels der Hacking-Methode ausgewildert wurde. Er wurde am 10. und 13. April in der westlichen Ukraine geortet. Im letzten Jahr hat er in Polen übersommert. Wird er nach Deutschland kommen, so wie in den letzten beiden Jahren ein anderer verfrachteter lettischer Jungadler?

23196: Dieses ad. Schreiadler-Männchen (Ste.) aus M-V wurde am 25.6.05 von mir besendert. Bis 2010 lieferte der Sender über 3.500 GPS Ortungen, danach nahm die Senderleistung ständig ab.

Die Daten wurden für einen Aufsatz zu Funktionsraumanalysen beim Schreiadler ausgewertet, die erste derartige Arbeit (Langgemach, T. & B.-U. Meyburg (2011): Funktionsraumanalysen - ein Zauberwort der Landschaftsplanung mit Auswirkungen auf den Schutz von Schreiadlern (Aquila pomarina) und anderen Großvögeln. Ber. Vogelschutz 47/48: 167-181, abrufbar unter http://www.raptor-research.de/main.html).

Derzeit gibt es nur noch vereinzelte Ortungen aus Afrika. Der Schwachpunkt ist sicherlich der Akku, der wie jeder Akku irgendwann einmal immer weniger Energie speichern kann. Der Adler hat in den meisten Jahren erfolgreich gebrütet. Der jetzt knapp dreijährige Jungadler mit Sender 95786 ist ein Nachkomme dieses Vogels.

With my thanks to B.-U. Meyburg for the permission to publish the data here.
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As far as known first arriving back in Germany was the only known spotted eagle hybrid, a female, on the western boundary of their range in M-V. The animal was observed on 1 April 2013 by Martin Neubauer and wife in thick snow. The eagle flying around was attacked by ravens, called several times and showed display. Joachim Matthes was at the nest site for about 4 hours on 28.3. and could not observe the bird. This hybrid has in recent years often been observed in late March at the breeding site.

The first known to us arrived LSE was observed by Jörg Schwabe on 04/12/13 at a breeding place (Wo) at the western edge of their range in BB. 2012 the first eagle was there on 11.04., the second on 14.04., in previous years sometimes as early as the first days of April

Now the Lesser Spotted Eagles with transmitter (each preceded by the ID number of the sender):

0024: "Panni" with GSM transmitter: This now almost 21-year-old male was located on 13 April north of Warsaw, probably arriving around the 15th-16th April at the breeding site in M-V. The exact arrival date through on-site observations would be very interesting for us, just as for all the other eagles.

41861: This in the meantime "famous crazy" almost thirteen years old female (D_Wald2), (with this animal visiting foreign occupied nests by female spotted eagles was first time established, see Journal of Ornithology 148: 157-166 (Engl. Summary: Why do female Lesser Spotted Eagles (Aquila pomarina) visit strange nests remote from their own? available at http://www.raptor-research.de/main.html) was located on April 3 just north of Istanbul, the bird was fitted with a transmitter by me in summer 2004, so the power of the transmitter has now weakened significantly and less locations occur. According to my estimate the bird should arrive around April 15 at the breeding site in Uckermark.

74996: This ad. male (B_heide) from Brandenburg was located on 8 April in northern Syria on 12 April in Bulgaria. It will probably not arrive before 20-22. April.

84370: This ad. male from M-V (Gor.) was located on 10 April north of Burgas and 12 April in central Romania. It will probably not arrive before 20-22. April at the breeding site.

94743: This nearly four years old eaglet was north of Bourgas on 10 April and on 12 April located in the north of Romania. We estimate that he will arrive approximately by 25.-28. April. This bird is extremely interesting. He is the first spotted eagle fitted with a transmitter by me as the nestling (2009) and is tracked continuously since then. He focused last summer on an area in MV, where so far no spotted eagle pair was known. He was not observed, but another LSE without transmitter was observed in this area. Perhaps both were already mated. We know of another such case, a three-year old pair in BB. Of course it is now extremely exciting [to see] if the birds are nesting. It would be the first comprehensive telemetry of a lesser spotted eagle from fledging to the settling down after several years. Worldwide, there are virtually no corresponding data, also from other species, about this unknown phase in the life of birds of prey.

94756: This ad. male ("Dieter", Grans.) of M-V. has also been tracked for several years already. On 7 April the bird was in Anatolia and on 13 April located in Romania. Estimated arrival around April 22-15.

95786: Also this almost three years old young eagle from MV (Ste) is of course very interesting. He was fitted as nestling, however has not yet returned to Germany, but has been staying during the summer many hundred kilometres away in Lithuania and eastern Poland. Will he come to Germany for the first time this year? On 10 April, he was located in southern Sudan, on 13 April in northern Sudan. Therefore, it is really interesting to see if and when he will come to Europe.

94758: This ad. female from MV (Gor.), the related male has transmitter 84370, was located on 12 April near Warsaw, might arrive approximately around 16th-18th April at the breeding site, therefore before her male. On-site observations of both adult birds would be very interesting.

52027: This ad. male from M-V (Sechsei.) was located on 9 April in southern Anatolia and on 13 April in Istanbul, is expected not to arrive before 24-26 April at the nesting site.

52030: This ad. female ("Peggy") of M-V was located on 8 April south of Istanbul and on 13 April in Romania. Also this animal might not arrive before 22-24. April at the breeding site.

70101: This ad. male (L_hof) was located on 10 April in northern Slovakia and on April 13 in southern Poland, is likely to arrive around April 16th-19th at the breeding site.

70105: This is with almost 25 years by far the oldest known living spotted eagle, a male from MV. Otherwise there has only been one 27-year-old spotted eagle found dead. The animal was located on 10 April in northern Romania, 12 April north of Krakow. Estimated arrival: 17.-19. April.

94739: This is one in the meantime almost four years old eaglet translocated from Latvia ("Abel"), which was reintroduced in Brandenburg by the hacking method. It has been located on 10 and 13 April in Western Ukraine. last year he summered in Poland. Will he come to Germany, as another translocated Latvian eaglet during the last two years?

23196: This ad. Spotted Eagle male (Ste.) from MV was fitted by me on 25/06/05. By 2010, the transmitter had delivered over 3,500 GPS locations, then transmitter power dwindled constantly.

The data were evaluated for an article about functional space analysis of the spotted eagle, the first such work (Langgemach, T. & B.-U. Meyburg (2011): Funktionsraumanalysen - ein Zauberwort der Landschaftsplanung mit Auswirkungen auf den Schutz von Schreiadlern (Aquila pomarina) und anderen Großvögeln. Ber. Vogelschutz 47/48: 167-181, available at http://www.raptor-research.de/main.html).

Currently, there are only sporadic locations in Africa. The weak point are definitely the batteries, like any battery they eventually save less and less energy. The eagle has bred successfully in most years. The now almost three years old young eagle with transmitter 95786 is a descendant of this bird.
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4. Herbstzug der besenderten Schreiadler - Autumn migration of Lesser Spotted Eagles with transmitter - 2013


Additional address:

http://www.nabu.de/tiereundpflanzen/voe ... 16208.html

With my best thanks for the information to B.-U. Meyburg

Autumn migration 2013 of 12 selected German Lesser Spotted Eagles are shown continuously in the Internet. Further data will be added shortly.

Update Oct. 15, 2013:

The Lesser Spotted Eagle with the oldest still working transmitter is by now more than 13 years old. This bird was ringed in summer 2000 by Andreas Hofmann in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, 2004 the bird received a transmitter in Brandenburg, Germany. The female raised 7 chicks in 10 breeding seasons, two years she did not find a partner. It is the bird about which the article "Weshalb besuchen Schreiadler-Weibchen weit entfernte fremde Nester ?" (2007 Journal of Ornithology, 148: 157-166, http://www.raptor-research.de/pdfs/a_sp100p/a_sp132.pdf) reports. In spring 2013 an automatic trail camera at a bait place made very good photos of her. In the meantime the transmitter's performance has declined in such a way the locations have reduced greatly. Together with other birds with older transmitters this LSE is not shown on the map as the locations are to far from each other.
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Greater Spotted Eagle

Migration map of Greater Spotted Eagle "Zygmunt" 2012:

http://aqc.aquila-it.pl/index.php?optio ... 89&lang=en
This year's migration of the Spotted Eagles has begun. The fitted with our GPS/GSM transmitter hybrid travels through the so-called "eastern migration route". From now on you can follow it live on our web page under Greater Spotted Eagle - Migration - Zygmunt 2012 menu.

With many thanks for the permission to use this data here to Kordian Bartoszuk
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Lesser Spotted Eagle

Migration of Lesser Spotted Eagle "Wita" 2012/2012

Migracja Wita 2012/2013

Read more about the project - in Polish language:
http://www.koo.org.pl/badanie-i-ochrona ... a-20122013

Linked with thanks for the permission to Paweł Mirski
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Short translation by Google Translator from Wita's homepage:

For the second time, we can track the migration of Wita - male Lesser Spotted Eagle of the Biebrza. This bird was fitted with a GPS logger GSM by Grzegorza Maciorowskiego in June 2011. Last season Wita in left for his autumn hike on Sept. 20 and covered more than 10 000 km to the wintering grounds. Most of the winter was spent in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Mozambique.

He also visited lesser spotted eagles wintering in famous Kruger National Park in South Africa. He returned to his territory in Biebrza on April 18 and took the same nest, like in previous years. Both in the past, and this year, he managed to successfully odchować (raise?) chick. However, this season the male district has significantly increased. Wita ventured as far as 13 km from the outlet (nest?) (mostly in May and June), but mostly explored area of ​​about 3000 ha. Due to the small logger on the back of the eagle we managed to capture more than 5,000 GPS locations where the bird was in the breeding season. This year, Wita started the journey on September 15. Day can beat some 200 km away. We invite you to follow the journey!
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Greater Spotted Eagles

Another Polish project, linked with thanks for the permission by Paweł Mirski


Website is partly in English (click the little Union Jack on top) or here:


Map showing the routes of the GSE with transmitters:

http://en.orlikgrubodzioby.org.pl/artyk ... e-tracking
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Greater Spotted Eagles Migration Map Autumn 2013

The migration of several Polish Greater Spotted Eagles and one Russian GSE can be followed the migration on this web page:

http://aqc.aquila-it.pl/index.php?optio ... rfilters=0

5 GSE from the Biebrza in Poland as well as the first GSE from the Western Siberia were tagged with their support.

With my thanks to Kordian Bartoszuk
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B.-U. Meyburg has sent out an overview about the autumn migration of the German Lesser Spotted Eagles:
(as the text was sent out in English this time, it is the original text, no translation)

The tracks can be followed here: http://www.satellite-telemetry.de/

For reasons of time, only the course of migration of the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina), in cooperation with the BirdLife Germany federal office, is dealt with here, with a very rough presentation of the course of migration. In order to show this online in as near as possible to real time, only one fix per day will be used, although many more than 100 fixes are received daily from some birds.

Migration within Germany is not shown, in order to guarantee the anonymity of the eyrie sites of this extremely rare species.

Here is a breakdown of the Lesser Spotted Eagles that will be tracked during autumn migration in 2014. There is also a short report on the past course of migration.

The birds are individually designated by their transmitter number and in most cases they have also been given a name, some of them by the eyrie monitor.

220 (“Ulf”) was ringed as a nestling in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (MWP) and, at the age of six years, fitted with a transmitter of the newest generation (GSM transmitter) at its breeding site near Schwedt (Fedweral State of Brandenburg = BB) in summer 2013. Data are transmitted via the mobile telephone network. When the solar cells are adequately charged a GPS fix is broadcast every 2-3 minutes, as well as flight height, direction and speed. This male's broods were successful in both 2013 and 2014. One young eagle fledged on each occasion.

221 ("Marta“) is Ulf's female partner. The bird's age is unknown, but it is probably very old. This eagle was also fitted with a GSM transmitter at the same time as Ulf. In April 2014 both birds arrived at their old breeding site within hours of each other and again brooded in the same eyrie. As with all other pairs they migrated separately.

94756 ("Dieter“) is an adult male from MWP, fitted with a transmitter on 13 August 2009. The bird's behaviour in the breeding area, on migration and in winter quarters has subsequently been studied for a period of five years using a GPS transmitter.

94758 ("Anna“) is an adult female from MWP, fitted with a transmitter on 4 July 2010. Its mate was male 84370, fitted with a transmitter on 6 August 2008.

Male 84370 (not yet named) has returned to its old breeding site every year since being fitted with a transmitter on 6 August 2008 and this year reared a young bird, albeit with a new partner. The almost-fledged young bird disappeared for unknown reasons shortly before leaving the eyrie. The course of migration of this male has been shown online in the past. Relatively few fixes have been received recently so that details of its spring migration was not published online. Dependent on the number of fixes, its 2014 autumn migration route may be published online. This male is conspicuous due to its early departure on migration in autumn. It left the breeding site this year as early as 9 September.
Its former female partner 94758 ("Anna“) returned to the old breeding site in April 2014 a few days before Male 84370 but, without waiting for its partner, it paired with another male at a breeding site known for some time some 25 km distant. It was noticeable in previous years that Anna regularly visited a woodland area about halfway to the new breeding site. An eyrie was not however found there, nor indeed any reason why the bird regularly visited this woodland.

52030 ("Petra“ or "Peggy“) from MWP was fitted with a transmitter on 8 August 2012. In 2014 it returned to the breeding site and drove off a female already present. The female often visited an area where a wind farm is to be constructed. As a result, BirdLife German (NABU) has lodged an objection to the project.

94743 ("Rainer“) was fitted with a transmitter as a nestling on 25 July 2009 in MWP. This male successfully reared a young eagle at a new breeding site in MWP. It is to date the first Lesser Spotted Eagle whose life from fledging from the parent eyrie to its own settlement and successful breeding has been recorded by satellite telemetry. Extremely little is known about this phase of life for practically all birds of prey. Where do they spend the summer during their first years of life, when do they occupy their own territory, when do they attempt to breed for the first time and when are they successful? These are only some of the many questions that this bird can now answer - a real 'world premiere'. It is indeed not known whether such a long-term telemetry of a bird of prey or other bird species has been successful to date.

95786 ("Felix“) was fitted with a transmitter as a nestling on 25 July 2010 in MWP. This very probably female eagle has been tracked by telemetry for some four years since fledging. The precise locations of this individual in summer and winter and on migration have been recorded in detail. The bird did not breed in 2014, but visited many eyrie sites in MVP. It is hoped that the bird can be tracked until next spring and that it will then perhaps breed.

41861, an adult female, was ringed as a nestling in MWP in 2000, and captured and fitted with a transmitter at a breeding site in Brandenburg on 17 July 2004. In 2004, aged four years, it successfully reared a young eagle and since then has always returned to the same breeding site. Since then this female has successfully brooded most years. The transmitter still functions after more than 10 years, which is a record. The number of fixes within Europe is however too low now to record its migration in detail. In Africa there is of course more sunshine, so that the solar-powered satellite transmitter still broadcasts a large number of GPS fixes.

The wintering behaviour in Africa of this bird is the longest continuously recorded there by satellite telemetry, for over 10 years up to the present time. As a result, very many details on its movements and wintering - dependent on environmental factors, especially precipitation - have been revealed.

This has been treated in a "research report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Honours Baccalaureus in Geoinformatics in the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University” in South Africa. A corresponding specialist publication is currently in preparation. A paper on the behaviour of this female has already appeared in the Journal of Ornithology (Vol. 148, pp. 157-166, 2007, see www. Raptor-Research.de) under the title “Why do female Lesser Spotted Eagles (Aquila pomarina) visit strange nests remote from their own?”

Since 2004 the presence of this female in the breeding area has not to date been confirmed by direct observation in the field. As late as 2013 Dr Günter Heise managed to photograph the bird at bait close to the nest using an automatic wildlife camera. The antenna of the transmitter can be seen clearly on the photograph. The yellow plastic identification ring, with which the bird was also marked in 2004, is missing. Because of this case, and corresponding observations of other Lesser Spotted Eagles, it is urgently recommended that the use of such plastic rings, which are still used everywhere for marking Lesser Spotted Eagles, should be discontinued. For some time now only metal identification rings have been used In Germany.

024 ("Erik“ = "Panni“) was fitted with a prototype GSM transmitter in summer 2012, the first of its kind outside the USA. The transmitter broadcast 27,924 GPS fixes in the period 8.8.2012 to 28.3.2014. Contact broke off abruptly over Romania during spring migration in 2014. Shortly afterwards however the male arrived in good shape at its old breeding site. The transmitter had ceased to function. Like Peggy, this eagle also visited the site of a planned wind farm. An objection has therefore been lodged against its construction.

0219 ("Paul“), also a male from MWP, reared a young eagle in 2013. Its transmitter broadcast several thousand GPS fixes, including very many from an area where the construction of a wind farm is also under discussion. Regrettably, the fixes ceased abruptly over Turkey during autumn migration in 2013 so that it is can be assumed that the bird was shot down. It did not return to the old eyrie site in 2014.

222 ("Jan“): This adult male was also fitted with a GSM transmitter in summer 2013. In 2014 it returned to its old eyrie where however a new (without transmitter) male was already present. The latter was observed directly copulating with a female there. The further, very comprehensive GPS data, recorded at very short intervals, suggest that a fight lasting three quarters of an hour took place between the old and the new male. Subsequently Jan clearly attempted for days to occupy other eyries. All data suggest that the eagle finally died as a result of battles with its rivals. This was not however confirmed by direct observation. There have been no direct observations of battles between rival Lesser Spotted Eagles ending fatally. Fierce fights have however been observed.

70101 ("Ingo“): This adult male was fitted with a transmitter on 4 August 2012 in Brandenburg. Fixes ended abruptly in the breeding area in 2014. At the same, the successful rearing of a relatively large young eagle also ended. Female Lesser Spotted Eagles are unable to rear young on their own. It is assumed that the male died suddenly. Dutch hunters, who are almost impossible to control, are active in the area.

74996 ("Arno“): This adult male was fitted with a transmitter on 5 August 2007 in Brandenburg and since then has provided a great deal of data for a number of years. The eagle lost its transmitter in Mozambique in the winter of 2013/2014. It arrived late at its old breeding site in spring where a new male was already present. The bird was identified from its identification ring (but without transmitter) on a wildlife camera photograph.

94739 (with ID ring "KZ“) is a translocated female from Latvia. It is one of 50 second chicks (Abels) imported from Latvia, which in their own eyrie have almost no chance of survival. In the framework of a nestling management project in Brandenburg, designed to increase the number of surviving young, some are set out in wild eyries. The majority however are released into the wild from a so-called hacking station. A male from Latvia, without transmitter, has in the meantime settled less than 2 km from the release point and reared a young in 2014. Last year it adopted and fed a young bird from the hacking station during the post-fledging dependent period.

Female 94739 (also and Abel and translocated from Lativa) did not return to Germany, but settled in Masuria (NE Poland). This is about halfway between its birthplace in Latvia and the release point in Brandenburg. It is known from reading of identification rings that females, much more commonly than males, often settle relatively distant from their birthplace. In the meantime radio contact has been lost.
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The Aquila Pomarina Collection
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Post by Felis silvestris »

A link from Black Swan:

I would like linking a page from the slowakia project: http://www.kukaj.sk/projekt/55-rodinka-arnoldovcov

The female Lesser Spotted Eagle has a transmitter on her back and you can follow her migration route on this site.(google Earth)
On the site also 2 interesting videos (right above). One of them about the couple, nest, cam & transmitter,
the other shows the male returns to nest (27.4.) - but occupied by a marten with young...
Unfortunately the page is not translated to English, so it is a bit difficult to find around. But clicking on the videos on the right side will show them, even if we don't understand the text written. Thanks.
“One can measure the greatness and the moral progress of a nation by looking at how it treats its animals” (Mahatma Gandhi)
"You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his fellow animals" (Paul McCartney)

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