What is going on in the Looduskalender forums

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Felis silvestris
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Re: What is going on in the Looduskalender forums

Post by Felis silvestris »

A topic will be coming today in the evening. I won't have time earlier.
“One can measure the greatness and the moral progress of a nation by looking at how it treats its animals” (Mahatma Gandhi)
"You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his fellow animals" (Paul McCartney)

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Post by Fleur »

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Post by laranjeiras »

Felis silvestris wrote:A topic will be coming today in the evening. I won't have time earlier.
thanks! :thumbs:
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Post by Felis silvestris »

I worked as quickly as possible, there are a few things I may want to add, but the discussion can start: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=922
“One can measure the greatness and the moral progress of a nation by looking at how it treats its animals” (Mahatma Gandhi)
"You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his fellow animals" (Paul McCartney)

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Post by Fleur »

We have a new webcam :loveshower:

Badgers maybe ?


Felis, if you have time, maybe we can get a new topic 2018?
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Post by Biker »

a very interesting camera location at a Booted eagle nest was discovered and presented by Bawet. one chick hatched, one egg is yet intact. viewtopic.php?p=590619&sid=5f3fbe554262 ... 0b#p590619
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Post by Jim Hammond »

There seems to be very little activity on this forum. Perhaps European golden eagle nests have not been productive. I can report that our nest in Sisters, Oregon, USA has two eaglets, now quite large, that will be leaving the nest in about two weeks. You can view the nest during daylight hours for Oregon here: www.goldeneaglecam.com
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Post by visit »

Hui ! Hello together :)

Congratulation to the update or new forum-software - the first time i see it here (and couldn't find a notice anywhere), looks like quite fresh. The other one was convenient too, but i like phpbb very much, worked many years with it, so i'm looking forward using it :)

Thanks for the work !
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Post by asteria »

What happened to the forum colors, they are terrible! Is it possible to return the old ones?

Post by Owlie »


I think the first new vesion, the light one was super fine, this blue one is restless to watch, I would like the the first new version to remain, it was elegant and peaceful!
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Post by visit »

It's funny and always the same: some users often look most at the colours :D
I'm sure this will not be the end of the work, so wait a little - it is really some work and needs some time to change everything !
The colours are another point but nobody will change the colours at first - a little more patience... ;)
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Post by Susanne »

Good morning to all!

Looduskalender is celebrating 15 years of Looduskalender forum, based on Epp Harmon's article celebrating 10 years of the Looduskalender forum. :loveshower:

Very nice pic from 2008 - all still young and crispy :mrgreen:


Enjoy the article - and say 'Kudos' to yourself for maintaining the forum's quality - in every respect - at such a high level. Members, admins and everyone involved. :2thumbsup:
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