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Re: Wildlife Cameras that are really good

Post by Polly »

Golden Eagle - Wild Bucovina/Romania

*** Update March 16th ***

Things continue in Lucina & Caliman's nest.
The couple resumes their activities.



As the season progresses, last season's offspring Aluna is still here. 🎶

Live: Nest1(the brood nest) https://www.youtube.com/live/YqHiwVSGuC ...
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Post by Liz01 »

golden Eagle Finland!

two eggs .. much snow there :slap:
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Rotitului la Cocoșul de munte / Mating capercaillie season 2024 Tetrao urogallus live

by Stelian Bodnari / Association Wild Bucovina

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Post by Polly »

Yes, there are so many birds that are worth mentioning and unfortunately get lost in the mainstream...

Let's take this one too...
https://www.youtube.com/live/n6ZSjt9POd ... cn3iZ2lMYg

Males and females lie on eggs - usually together.
(3 eggs here)

Look at their migration train. It's incredible what these birds can do.

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Post by Polly »

November 4th

Golden Eagle - Wild Bucovina/Romania

Sad news:
Lucina was found dead on October 31st.
She had no obvious injuries. Investigations will provide more certainty about the circumstances of her death.

I'm so sorry.
It is a shocking and incredibly sad setback for the development of these eagles. Lucina was a strong female.

First Egg laid 4/1/24. Second egg laid 4/5/24. Egg #1 hatches 5/13/24,
Egg 2 hatches 5/16/24. 2nd chick dies 5/21/24

More, also about the visit of a young eagle:

(Video @Lady Hawk)
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Post by Polly »

sova wrote: December 11th, 2023, 10:09 am Luontoliven Petolintulive

November 23rd

And Luontolive is back in the starting blocks this winter season! :loveshower:

All the familiar extras are back on stage...Golden Eagle, Magpie, Woodpecker...Hawk. tits etc...


Yesterday lynxes visited the feeder.
I thought lynxes were solitary animals. :puzzled: Maybe mother with young animals?


https://www.youtube.com/live/6LE2VdkyFN ... QX-8M4tFjq
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Post by Polly »

Luontoliven Petolintulive - November 27th

A wolverine/Gulo gulo visits the feeding area several times and can 'capture' larger pieces of the carcass.
Pretty energetic... :laugh:


Today, December 2nd

An unusual picture - hardly any snow.


https://www.youtube.com/live/6LE2VdkyFN ... kMNY6vXDEb
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Post by Polly »

Golden Eagle - Wild Bucovina/Romania

*** Update December 6th

On the death of the female Lucina:

The initial examinations revealed no visible external injuries.
I will continue by saying that Lucina was a strong, vital female in very good condition.

There were signs of internal bleeding.
A toxicological report was initiated.
Actualizare info08.11.2024 "Buletin de analiza" Directia Sanitar Veterinara (DSVSA) Suceava
Detalii rezultat: Cadavru acvila de munte, femela, 11 ani, stare de intretinere buna. Nu prezinta leziuni la nivelul capului; ochii infundati in orbite. In regiunea toraco abdominala dreapta prezinta o escoriatie, cu infiltratii hemoragice difuze in tesutul conjunctiv subcutanat si in tesutul muscular superficial; nu prezinta alte leziuni pe suprafata corpului. La deschiderea cavitatii toraco-abdominale se observa pericardita sero-fibroasa, degenerescenta miocardica; congestie pulmonara; congestie hepatica; degenerescenta renala; gastrita hemoragica (stomac cu continut lichid, brun-rosiatic, in cantitate mica), enterro-colita hemoragica.
Gripa aviara - NEGATIV."
2. Pentru analizele de toxicitate am solicitat astazi 08.11.2024 prin D.S.V. efectuarea investigatiei de catre IDSA Institutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală Bucuresti. Vom publica aici rezultatele de la IDSA cand le vom primi.
Info update08.11.2024 "Analysis bulletin" Veterinary Sanitary Directorate (DSVSA) Suceava
"1. Necropsy
Result details: Mountain eagle carcass, female, 11 years old, in good condition. Does not present head injuries; eyes sunken in sockets. In the right thoraco-abdominal region, there is an excoriation, with diffuse hemorrhagic infiltrations in the subcutaneous connective tissue and in the superficial muscle tissue; does not show any other injuries on the body surface. When the thoraco-abdominal cavity is opened, serous-fibrous pericarditis, myocardial degeneration is observed; pulmonary congestion; liver congestion; renal degeneration; hemorrhagic gastritis (stomach with liquid content, reddish-brown, in small quantity), hemorrhagic entero-colitis.
Bird flu - NEGATIVE."
2. For the toxicity analyses, I requested today 08.11.2024 through D.S.V. conducting the investigation by the IDSA Institute of Diagnostic and Animal Health Bucharest. We will publish here the results from IDSA when we receive them.


Unfortunately I can't find anything... :puzzled:

Meanwhile, Caliman tries to come to terms with the strange young female (which is very communicative).
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Post by Liz01 »

Golden Eagle versus Eurasian Eagle owl
The eagle owl sat on this prey all night. It ate every now and then. In the morning, jays and magpies came. The jays were very respectful. The magpies were also very cautious at first. But then a lot of them came and bullied the eagle owl. It stayed with the prey and sat on it. Then the golden eagle came. A real opponent. The eagle owl starts an attack and tried to defend the prey, but lost. It flew away.

it was a short fight


Arrival Eagle owl to the feeding ground on December 7th
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