Tell the EU to #BanLead by 21st December 2017

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Tell the EU to #BanLead by 21st December 2017

Post by maertha »

What you can do to save wildlife: Tell the EU to #BanLead by 21st December 2017!

Lead from bullets exposes humans and animals to health risks. According to BirdLife, “one million birds die from lead poisoning in Europe each year. Many iconic species – such as Tundra Swan, White-tailed eagle and Greater Flamingo – perish after ingesting lead shot from expended ammunition cartridges. First the lead attacks their digestive system, and then they slowly and painfully starve to death...”

How can you help?
The “EU’s European Chemicals Agency is currently considering a ban on the use of lead shot for hunting in wetlands. It is running an online public consultation on the issue until 21st December.”
Therefore BirdLife encourages nature lovers to participate in the European Chemicals Agency's public consultation. It's online and open to the public; the link is at the end of the website

Fast version:
Spread the word via Facebook or Twitter. BirdLife has already prepared a short statement. If you agree with the message, you can tweet it to the European Chemicals Agency by simply clicking on the 'I want to #BanLead!' button below the statement on the website. It´s here
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Post by ame »

banning of ammunition containing lead is a very important issue, not only for nature conservation reasons but also from the point of view of human health. the replacement materials are, however, more expensive than lead and not always quite as efficient as the traditional ammunition. that is why hunters are reluctant to give up the lead ammunition. hunters will not change their views on this question only for protecting eagles. they need to be convinced that it is good and indeed necessary for their own good.

hunting and nature conservation are not always opposites or exclusive of each other. sometimes the example of an equal is most persuasive. this video can be shown to a hunter in order to promote lead-free hunting:
"The Non-Lead Hunter" by Anthony Prieto:

X-ray pictures show that a lead shot gets shattered in tens or even hundreds of very small fragments inside the shot animal's meat along the path of bullet. it is impossible to clear these tiny pieces of lead away from the meat. thus
meat hunted with lead ammunition will become unsafe even for human consumption.
here you can see examples of such pictures and show them to your hunter friends: ... 4-Bv4648xM:

the participants of the conference SEAEAGLE 2017 (Roosta, Estonia Oct 5-7 2017) agreed on resolutions on protection of the white-tailed sea eagle and other raptors, including banning of lead ammunition:

in this conference there were several presentations on the subject of lead poisoning, among them the presentation of 'our' veterinarian Madis Leivits who has had the un-pleasure of trying to save some eagles suffering from lead poisoning. usually this task is impossible and the birds die after severe suffering. Also Oliver Krone's presentation was impressive in an alarming way.
(see the program on Session 2 ... -notes.pdf )

you can find too many videos in the internet by googling videos with search words 'eagle lead poisoning'. i can't watch any more of them, not even post any here, sorry.
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Post by Solo »

maertha wrote:What you can do to save wildlife: Tell the EU to #BanLead by 21st December 2017! ... It´s here
Got 15 minutes to spare?
We strongly encourage you to participate in the European Chemicals Agency's public consultation. It's online, open to the public and consists of 3 short sections. Sections I and II ask for your name and country, and whether you are answering as an individual or as an organisation. In Section III, you can provide "A. General Comments" and/or answer "B. Specific Information" depending of your knowledge of the topic.
We recommend that you read BirdLife Europe and Central Asia's submission. Please feel free to echo our comments along with your own reflections!
You can also simply enter our short "Statement" above into the Section 3.A "General Comments" box.
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Post by Solo »

ame wrote:banning of ammunition containing lead is a very important issue, not only for nature conservation reasons but also from the point of view of human health. ...
ame, you are right - it is always bed also for us all :bow:
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Post by maertha »

It´s time to ban lead-based ammunition - public has just a few days left to have its say

Lead poisoning from ammunition kills many birds each year, and it is a significant mortality factor for White-tailed Eagles in several countries.
But it is easily preventable. You can help.

Lead poisoned White-tailed Eagle. Madis Leivits, October 2016

If you want more information about the impact of lead on wildlife and humans, please check out the compilation of documents in the White-tailed Eagle Database, see 16 February 2016.
viewtopic.php?f=46&t=236&p=439495#p439495 There are also some links available at the BirdLife website.

The countdown is on: Have your say. Your voice matters!

The EU’s European Chemicals Agency is running the online public consultation on the issue until 21st December.
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Post by balistar »

maertha, is there a way without using FB, twitter etc. to help?
Is there no petition to subscribe?

edit: I meant to sign, not to subscribe (sorry, my English....)
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Post by maertha »

balistar, you can participate in the European Chemicals Agency's public consultation. The link is at the end of the website

Or click here ... e181a843f5
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Post by balistar »

Thank you, maertha.

But that is too difficult and too extensive for me. I would just like to sign the statement.
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Post by Brit »

Have a nice day!
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Post by visit »

Petition runs only until 6th of May.

Petition for Climate Protection Act in 6 months
Text of the petition
The German Bundestag may decide to adopt a binding, cross-sectoral climate protection law within the next six months, which aims to reduce the net emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases quickly and to reduce them to zero by 2040 as far as possible. The climate goals must be binding, urgent and verifiable. The Climate Protection Act must come into force as soon as possible with the aim of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Fridays for Future - a movement has also hit Germany. Thousands of pupils and now adults are taking to the streets for real, effective climate protection. On March 12, 2019, more than 23,000 recognized scientists also published a statement as "Scientists4Future," demanding quick action and providing sound support for students' climate strikes.

At the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21) in December 2015, 195 countries adopted for the first time a general, legally binding, global climate change agreement, including Germany. However, Germany does not yet have a climate protection law to comply with the Paris Climate Change Agreement.

It is already clear that Germany will clearly miss the climate protection targets by 2020.

The agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius to counteract dangerous climate change and associated hot weather. A limitation to 2 degrees Celsius will not be enough to avert very negative climate impacts, the current science (see IPCC) is now dealing with scenarios in which a reduction to 1.5 degrees Celsius is to be achieved.

Climate change is fact, it affects us all, worldwide and is a real threat to humanity. Distribution wars, extreme thunderstorms, hunger, the destruction of many people's homelands are just the beginning. All this has already started. The Scientists4Future warn: "With increasing warming of the earth dangerous climatic tipping points of the earth system, this means self-reinforcing processes, more likely. This would mean that a return to today's global temperatures for future generations is no longer realistic. "

The years 2015 to 2018 were, according to analyzes of the World Meteorological Organization, the four warmest since the beginning of the records. To prevent the earth from heating up to three degrees Celsius or more by the end of the century, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced consistently and as quickly as possible. This involves almost completely stopping the burning of coal by 2030, reducing the burning of oil and natural gas at the same time, until all fossil fuels have been replaced by climate-neutral energy sources.

For the petitioner, the differences between ministries already show how important a clear and binding overall strategy is. Meaningful and effective individual measures are certainly helpful, but they have not proven to be sufficient by far. Germany needs as soon as possible a binding law to draw an effective emergency brake during global warming. We have talked long enough: Germany needs a climate protection law. Now.
Parents for Future > Petition
The petition is open for signatures until 6 May - we want to reach 50,000 people by this deadline.
Then we have the opportunity to present our call for a climate change bill to the Petitions Committee, thereby putting more pressure on the government.
Our goal is for the Bundestag to discuss this issue. ... chnen.html
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Post by Polly »


This petition is supported and publicized by LDF/Latvia.

Lead is highly toxic: it has already been banned in Europe from petrol, paint and pipes because it poses serious health risks. There is no safe level of exposure to lead. Yet, it’s still used extensively in shooting and fishing.Every year, 44,000 tonnes of lead ammunition and fishing weights are released into Europe’s environment. This unseen pollution is poisoning our wildlife, endangering human health, contaminating our water and soil, and putting our pets and livestock at risk.

In 2021, the European Chemicals Agency recognised the gravity of the issue and proposed a total ban on the sale and use of lead ammunition and fishing weights in Europe for good.

Help, be there.
I signed.

"Throw your heart across the river and swim after it."
Indian proverb
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