Latvian Golden Eagle Nest

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Re: Latvian Golden Eagle Nest

Post by SilverGirl »

Many thanks Marfo :wave:

It's excellent news.
The most important is that Spilve is alive, of good condition ( I suppose ), has a new partner and they are nesting near in the area and preparing to breeding :2thumbsup:
Even, may be there already is an egg in the nest :whistling:
I hope this year will be succesful for her after her tragedy and for the first time she finally will be able to see her child healthy and flying :bounce:
Crossed fingers for their happiness :thumbs:
I'm impatiently waiting for some pictures :-)
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Post by Lucia65 »

Thank you Marfo.
Good to know :thumbs:
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Post by Liz01 »

December 21

hi everyone! :hi:

Post by Uģis Bergmanis » 20 Dec 2022 19:25

Labvakar, Vērotāji! Vasara ir pagājusi, mazie ērgļi pavadīti uz ziemošanas vietām, esam sagaidījuši kārtīgu ziemu un varam atkal pievērsties klinšu ērgļiem. Kā atceraties, šogad pirmo reizi Spilves ligzdas kamera izslēdzās 23. martā. Periodiski kamera ik pa laikam ieslēdzās,taču visu vasaru un rudeni mums praktiski nebija sakaru ar sistēmu. Retajās ieslēgšanās reizēs izdevās nolasīt kļūdu paziņojumus un secināt, ka problēma ir rūterī, tieši SIM kartē. Jau pavasarī pasūtījām rūteri, to saņēmām tikai pavēlā rudenī. Nu, lūk, šodien ar IT speciālistu slēpojām purvā un novērtējām situāciju. Tā kā rūtera bojājuma dēļ nebija iespējams iestādīt apraidi taupības režīmā, kameras visu laiku strādāja, dienas kļuva īsākas, saules mazāk, paneļi apsniga un rezultātā konstatējām, ka akumulatori ir praktiski tukši. Notīrīju sniegu no saules paneļiem, uzlāde atjaunojās. Uzkāpu kokā un nomainīju bojāto rūteri. Izrādās, pa kabeļa kanālu SIM kartes nodalījumā, kas ir aptuveni 4 kvadrātcentimetrus liela telpa, zirnekļi bija ierīkojuši ligzdu, izveidojuši kokonus. Izdalītie šķidrumi bija izraisījuši SIM kartes koroziju, kā rezultātā rūtera darbība apstājās.
Patreiz sistēmu saslēdzām režīmā, kad ir atslēgti visi patērētāji un notiek tikai uzlāde. Pēc ilgāka saulaina perioda došos purvā un atjaunošu sistēmas normālu darbību. Kad tas būs, tas atkarīgs no saules. Diemžēl, manā rīcībā nav sniega motocikls, ar kuru varētu izvest akumulatorus uzlādei un tos nogādāt atpakaļ. "Latvijas valsts meži" meklē risinājumu, lai varētu uzstādīt jauno sistēmu pie Spilves otrās ligzdas.
Tas patreiz viss. Pie izdevības novēlu visiem priecīgus Ziemassvētkus!!!

Good evening, Watchers! The summer has passed, the lesser spotted eagles have been escorted to their wintering grounds, we have had a good winter and can focus on the golden eagles again. As you remember, for the first time this year the camera of the Pillow's nest went off on March 23. Periodically, the camera turned on from time to time, but throughout the summer and autumn we practically had no contact with the system. On the rare power-ups, I managed to read the error messages and conclude that the problem is in the router, directly in the SIM card. We already ordered the router in the spring, we received it only in late autumn. Well, today we skied in the swamp with an IT specialist and assessed the situation. Since it was not possible to put the broadcast in saving mode due to the failure of the router, the cameras worked all the time, the days became shorter, the sun less, the panels got snowed over and as a result we found that the batteries were practically empty. I cleaned the snow from the solar panels, the charge was restored. I climbed a tree and replaced the damaged router. It turns out that through the cable channel in the SIM card compartment, which is a space of about 4 square centimeters, the spiders had built a nest, created cocoons. The spilled fluids had corroded the SIM card causing the router to stop working.
Now we closed the system in the mode when all consumers are disconnected and only charging is taking place. After a longer sunny period, I will go to the swamp and restore the normal operation of the system. When it will be depends on the sun. Unfortunately, I do not have a snowmobile to take the batteries out for charging and bring them back. "Latvijas valsts meži" is looking for a solution to be able to install the new system at the second nest of Spilve.
That's all for now. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!!

Uģis Bergmanis, thank you very much for your great effort :loveshower:
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Post by Liz01 »

MĀRIS, thanks a lot :loveshower:
MĀRIS wrote: December 20th, 2022, 3:35 pm
Uģis atsūtīja arī dažus bilžukus: GT: Ugis also sent some pictures:
Skats uz ligzdu no vietas kur atrodas antena. GT: A view of the nest from where the antenna is located.

Skats uz purvu. GT: View of the marsh.
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Post by sova »

Good morning to all
Thanks to everyone involved for the good news! :2thumbsup:
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Post by Polly »

...and also from me a hearty Christmas and a deep thank you and hope that these animals will find themselves in a successful season here in '23.

Good work .... :nod:

I don't particularly like spiders indoors but vow to bring everyone outside - alive.
Hopefully the guilty spiders didn't die? :laugh:

Well, nature... :innocent:
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Post by Polly »

I do not have a snowmobile to take the batteries out for charging and bring them back.
I have no idea what something like this costs, but I have to say that fundraising ideas via the YouTube channel will probably have little success.
(I saw it in the channel Goshawk Riga. Youtube is too superficial.

Maybe it's possible to unobtrusively pin it in a header here as well?

I think that all of us here can and would like to contribute here?
Specific to one thing or to the entire @LDF
You use such things in many ways - for many good projects.

You have to get up.

In case of doubt of success there are no more excuses but more work for you.
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Post by Susanne »

The cam is online now!

Klinšu ērglis
Mākslīgajā ligzdā, kas tika uzstādīta 2010. gadā, ligzdo klinšu ērgļa tēviņš Virsis un tikko dzimumgatavību sasniegusī mātīte Spilve. Pēdējo reizi ērgļi šeit sekmīgi ligzdoja 2016. gadā. Ligzda atrodas “Latvijas valsts mežu” valdījumā esošā purvā uz salas.
Golden Eagle
Virsis, a Golden Eagle male, and Spilve, a newly-mature female, breed in their artificial nest, which was installed in 2010. Most recently the eagles successfully breed here in 2016. The nest is located in a bog on an island managed by the Latvian State Forests.

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Post by Liz01 »

I was surprised that we see the same nest as in previous years. Here's the explanation :laugh:

Info by Uģis Bergmanis » 05 Feb 2023 10:48

Labdien Vērotāji! Klinšu ērgļu ligzdas tiešraides sezona ir sākusies. 2022. gada 20. decembrī beidzot nomainīju bojāto rūteri, uz jauno rūteri gaidījām vairāk kā pusgadu. Nomainot rūteri, konstatējām, ka akumulatori ir pilnīgi tukši, tāpēc izslēdzām visus strāvas patērētājus un iestādījām sistēmu tikai lādēšanas režīmā. Vakar no rīta slēpoju purvā, lai ieslēgtu sistēmu. Kad biju pie ligzdas salas, aptuveni puskilometra attēlumā redzēju zemu lidojam pieaugušu klinšu ērgli, ērglis iesēdās vienā purva salā, medīja. Ieslēdzot sistēmu, ligzdā bija pamanāms nomīdīts sniegs un svaigs priedes zars. Tā kā pa nakti nedaudz sniga, var secināt, ka ērglis bijis ligzdā no rīta. Aizslēpoju arī līdz otrai mākslīgajai ligzdai, kura iepriekšējā gada pavasarī bija pamatīgi uzkrāmēta. Pielidoju ligzdai ar dronu, nekas neliecināja par ērgļu klātbūtni, sniegs nebija nomīdīts un arī zari nebija nesti. Līdz ar to ir cerība, ka ērgļi varētu izraudzīties ligzdošanai kameras ligzdu. Tā kā akumulatori ir vēl patukši, ligzdas tiešraidi iestādījām laikā 08:00-08:15, lai konstatētu izmaiņas ligzdā. Kad dažas dienas spīdēs saule, tiešraides laiku pagarināsim. Veiksmi vērošanā!

Hello Watchers! The live season of the Golden Eagle Nest has begun. On December 20, 2022, I finally replaced the damaged router, we waited more than half a year for the new router. When we replaced the router, we found that the batteries were completely dead, so we turned off all power consumers and put the system in charging-only mode. Yesterday morning I skied in the bog to turn on the system. When I was at the nest, I saw an adult golden eagle flying low in the image of about half a kilometer, the eagle sat on one marsh island, hunting. When the system was turned on, trampled snow and a fresh pine branch were visible in the nest. Since it snowed a little during the night, it can be concluded that the eagle was in the nest in the morning. I also hid until the second artificial nest, which was thoroughly stocked in the spring of the previous year. I used a drone to search the nest , there was no sign of the presence of eagles, the snow had not been trampled and no branches had been carried. Therefore, there is hope that the eagles could choose the camera's nest for nesting. Since the batteries are still dead, we set the nest live broadcast at 08:00-08:15 to detect changes in the nest. When the sun shines for a few days, we will extend the live broadcast time. Good luck watching!

thank you Uģis Bergmanis :thumbs:
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Post by handbyl »

Wonderful news!

Thanks, Liz01
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Post by Susanne »

Thank you for this substantial piece of information! :thumbs: Very good info on how difficult it is to set and keep the cams going, we're so spoiled aren't we..., quote from GT: "Yesterday morning I skied in the bog to turn on the system." (Me with skies tied to my feet, distance covered: 2, nah, let's say: 3 meters, then crash and maybe a bloody nose. But thank God I am not the measure of all things...)
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Post by Liz01 »

February 7

good morning :hi:

the nest! nothing has changed
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Post by Liz01 »

February 10

Hi everyone :hi: handbyl, Susanne :D

someone was in the nest :loveshower: I was wrong! nobody was here. It looks more like melting snow. :bow:

A gust of wind blew away a green branch

the camera is working already a few hours
15:50 the camera is buffering
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Post by handbyl »

Terrible winds and snow flurries.

Here's hoping to see someone on the nest soon!

Thanks Liz01!
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Post by Susanne »

Picked up the info in a YT-chat, here's an important post from the Latvian Dabasdati Forum: ... 66#p360066

Re: Klinšu ērgļi, 2023

Post by Uģis Bergmanis » 20 Feb 2023 09:16
Labdien Vērotāji! Tā tiešām šķiet, ka ērgļi būs izvēlējušies/uzbūvējuši citu ligzdu. Rodas iespaids, ka jaunā ligzda atrodas tālu no šis, jo ne reizi tie nav dzirdami saucam.

GT: "Hello Watchers! It really looks like the eagles will have chosen/built another nest. It seems that the new nest is far from this one, because they are not heard calling once."
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Post by Liz01 »

Susanne wrote: February 20th, 2023, 3:02 pm ...
Post by Uģis Bergmanis » 20 Feb 2023 09:16
GT: "Hello Watchers! It really looks like the eagles will have chosen/built another nest. It seems that the new nest is far from this one, because they are not heard calling once."

Susanne, thanks for the information. :2thumbsup: That's a pity, but can't be changed. So I'm hoping for the Estonian nest :D
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Post by Polly »

For friends of the golden eagle: here it looks promising:
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Post by Polly »

February 28

Unexpectedly often comes...

There are a few!
Today hay was brought into the nest. :thumbs:

09:59 The pair arrived at the nest together.


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Post by Polly »

I'm not familiar with the birds. Do you know nest owners?

Male or female works with the hay.



I just wanted to let you know. :innocent:
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Post by Marfo »

Hi Polly :wave:

Thank you for the images!

Yes, these are Spilve and her 'new' mate. Short version: Spilve nested here with her former mate Virsis. They raised a chick in 2020 who sadly died after the male disppeared and there was not enough food.
Spilve didn't nest here the last two years but did find a new male. Apparently they are still together which is good news.
It is uncertain if they will nest here, it is late in the season. Maybe they are already working on another nest somewhere else. We will see.
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