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Database with information about Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagles

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Re: LSE Full Text Documents - Diff. Languages (online availa

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15. Zug und Überwinterung des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina: Satellitentelemetrische Untersuchungen. By Meyburg. B.-U., Scheller, W. & Meyburg, C. (1995).

Full text in German as PDf available here:
Published in: Journal für Ornithologie 136: 401-422 (In German with an English summary; complete English version available).


An account is given of the sate11ite tracking of the movements of four adult and three juv. individuals. For the first time a migratory bird was successfully tracked all the way from its breeding grounds in Europe to its wintering quarters in southern' Africa and back to Europe. Its outward and return migrations both took about 7½ weeks. Both routes were practica11y identical, with the bird covering a total distance of 19,400 km, including its movements in its winter quarters in Zambia. On average 166 km were covered per day during migration. Its wintering quarters, where the bird stayed from the end of October until the end of February, extended over an area of ca. 25,000 km². The autumn migration of a11 individuals within Africa fo11owed a relatively narrow corridor between longitudes 31° O and 36° E from Suez south to Lake Tanganyika from where the birds dispersed. The greatest migration speed was reached by a young bird on the stage from Turkey to the Sudan, flying an average of 289 km per day.
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16. GPS-Satelliten-Telemetrie beim Schreiadler Aquila pomarina: Aktionsraum und Territorialverhalten im Brutgebiet. By Meyburg, B.-U., Meyburg C., Matthes J. & Matthes H. (2006)

Full text in German available as PDF:
Published in: Vogelwelt 127: 127 – 144.

Key words: Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina, home range, GPS satellite telemetry, behaviour, Germany.


Between 2004 and 2006 seven adult Lesser Spotted Eagles (five males and two females) were fitted with GPS satellite transmitters. Their home ranges and territorial behaviour were analysed from 2,976 GPS fixes and field observations in the breeding area. The territories of the four males tracked in a single season had a minimum extent of 32.78 km2 (D), 34.14 km2 (BS), 46.40 km2 (LA) and 54.39 km2 (BT) respectively. The fifth male (S), which could be tracked for two years, had a home range of 93.78 km2 in 2005 and 172.29 km2 in 2006. The mean extent of all six territories was over 72.29 km². The home ranges used by the two females were very different in size (1.56 km2 and 82.30 km2), although both individuals reared a young bird. The successful male breeders had a strong sense of territory with no overlap between them. The females, on the other hand, were not driven off from other eyries and did indeed visit the immediate vicinity of other nests at some considerable distance from their own. After brood failure, territories of unsuccessful breeders were taken over in part by neighbouring successful breeding pairs. The maximum distance from the eyrie at which the presence of adults could be confirmed was some 6–7 km for three males (D, BT and LA), some 11 km for one female (W) and one male (BS), and for male S, with the most GPS fixes, over 13 km. The size of the home ranges, and the distances from the eyrie to which the birds moved from the nest, were not constant throughout the whole stay of the birds in the breeding territory. After its arrival in spring, male S distanced itself continually further from the eyrie. In both years it moved furthest from the nest, and had the most extensive home range, in mid July. From then on, until the start of autumn migration, the area of activity became increasingly smaller. The home ranges were used to a different degree of intensity. In 2005, 84% of the 677 fixes of male S were made over an area of only 14.24 km2. In 2006, the bird was located in 71% of 989 fixes over an area of 15.43 km2. A protected zone encompassing a radius of 3 km from the eyrie is considered to be not sufficiently extensive to
effectively prevent the extinction of this endangered species. In a zone of at least 6 km around the eyrie no radical changes (building of wind farms, motorways, roads, cycle paths, housing etc.) should be permitted.
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17. Hohe Mortalität bei Jung- und Altvögeln: Todesursachen von Schreiadlern. By B.-U. Meyburg & C. Meyburg (2009)

Full text available in German as PDF: ... marina.pdf
Published in: Der Falke 56, 382-388

Translation into English:
High mortality rate in juvenile and adult birds: Causes of death in Lesser Spotted Eagles ... arinay.pdf
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18. Satelliten-Telemetrie beim Schreiadler (Aquila pomarina). By Meyburg, B.-U. & C. Meyburg (2009)

Full text in German available as PDF: ... rtikel.pdf
Published in: Labus, Naturschutz im Landkreis Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Sonderheft 13: 16-44
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19. Überwinterungsökologie: Schreiadler und Blutschnabelweber. By Meyburg, B.-U., J. Matthes & C. Meyburg (2010)

Full Text in German available as PDF: ... ologie.pdf
Published in: Der Falke 57: 236-243
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20. Eine Bodenbrut des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina. By Š. Pcola (1991)

Full text in German available at: ... 59-264.pdf
Published in: Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 259-264

Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina nesting on the ground
The Lesser Spotted Eagle is the most numerous and regular breeder of the genus Aquila in eastern Slovakia, always nesting at various heights in mixed forests in hill country. Between 1974 and 1988 the author recorded 67 nests in the NE part of this region with a density of 4-8 pairs per 100 km2. In 1988 an extraordinary nest was found built on the ground below a slender birch only 300 m from a suitable wood. Its size precluded the possibility of its having fallen from the tree above. On 12 July 1988 it contained a four-week-old young which subsequently fledged successfully. It is difficult to explain this apparently unique occurrence, to which there is no allusion in the literature.
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21. Eine Felsenbrut des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina. By Roman Reištetter (1991)

Full text in German available at: ... 65-270.pdf
Published in: Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 265-270

Rock nest of a Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina)
On 16 June 1990, two years after Pcola's (1991) discovery of a Lesser Spotted Eagles' nest on the ground, the author found a nest of this species built on the top of a large rock projecting from a steep, wooded slope in the south-west Slanske Hills (Slovakia). The nest contained a pipping egg. On 26 June the chick weighed 270 g, but ten days later it had disappeared, presumably fallen victim to some carnivore. Evidence indicated that this rock-site had already been used in the previous year. A later visit with Stefan Danko to record the nest revealed the existence of a second, tree-nest some 80 m distant. Possible reasons for this aberrant choice of nest site are discussed
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22. Funktionsraumanalysen - ein Zauberwort der Landschaftsplanung mit Auswirkungen auf den Schutz von Schreiadlern (Aquila pomarina) und anderen Großvögeln (2011)

Full text in German available as PDF - made available for the LK Forum by Prof. Dr. Meyburg ... iadler.pdf

Published in: Berichte zum Vogelschutz 47/48: 167-181

Summary in English
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23. Schreiadler-Symposium der Deutschen Wildtier-Stiftung (2011)

Published in: Vogelwarte 49.2011, p. 330-335

Full text available as PDF: ... 2011-4.pdf


Meergans, M.: Der Schreiadler und das Engagement der Deutschen Wildtierstiftung, p. 330
Scheller, W. & Wernicke, P.: Lebensräume des Schreiadlers in Deutschland, pp. 330 - 331
Bergmanis, U.: Lebensräume des Schreiadlers in Lettland und Strategien zu seinem Schutz, pp. 331 - 332
Kinser A., Gulau K. & Freiherr von Münchhausen H.: Sicherung und Optimierung von Schreiadler-Lebensräumen - erste Ergebnisse eines E+E Projektes, p. 332
Langgemach, T.: Das Artenschutzprogramm für den Schreiadler Aquila pomarina in Brandenburg, p. 333
Graszynski K., Bergmanis U., Börner I., Hinz A., Langgemach T., Meyburg B.-U., Sömmer P.: Jungvogelmanagement beim Schreiadler – Ansätze, Probleme und Ergebnisse, p. 334
Meyburg B.-U., Meyburg C., Langgemach T. & Graszynski K.: Einige Ergebnisse zwanzigjähriger satellitentelemetrischer Untersuchungen am Schreiadler (Aquila pomarina), p. 335

No English summary available, proceedings are published: viewtopic.php?p=177747#p177747
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24. Untersuchungen zur Brutbiologie und Nahrungsökologie des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina mittels ferngesteuerter Videokamera: Zur Technik und einigen Ergebnissen. By Wolfgang Scheller & Bernd-Ulrich Meyburg (1996)

Full text in German available as PDF: ... 45-256.pdf

A Study of the Breeding and Feeding Biology of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina by means of a remote control Videocamera: Technique and some results During 1991, 1992 and 1993 a study was made of the breeding biology and feeding ecology at the nest of a pair of Lesser Spotted Eagles with the aid of a remote-controlled videocamera. The aim was to record the breeding cycle as fully as possible, from the arrival of the adult birds in April to the fledging of the young.
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25. Väike-Konnakotka (Aquila pomarina) Kaitse Tegevuskava Aastateks 2009-2013

Full text in Estonian available as PDF: ... uskava.pdf
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26. Steinadler und Schreiadler. Bernd Kamphuis (2006)

Full text in German available as PDF:,1032/

Published in: Deutsche Jagdzeitung 2006,11
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27. Zurück zur Natur by Gerold Büchner

Article in German Newspaper "Berliner Zeitung" Dec. 28, 2011 ... 64248.html
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29. Küken geschlüpft: Nachwuchs bei Familie Schreiadler

Pressemitteilung: ... a_no=25327

Link to Deutsche Wildtierstiftung: ... hreiadler/
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30. Bei Familie Greif in die Kinderstube geschaut

Newspaper article "Nordkurier" / Lokales Neustrelitz, Friday, July 27, 2012 ... t-1.463202

About Lesser Spotted Eagles, preservation, habitat and ringing
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31. Mit Fröschen und Mäusen zum Pilotenschein

Pressemitteilung ... dt-007.htm

Link to Deutsche Wildtierstiftung: ... hreiadler/
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32. Les Aigles ... | L'interview d'Urmas Sellis (?)

Interview with Urmas Sellis from Kotkaklubi in French language:

(Thanks to Will(y) and Nancy for finding it!)
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33. Einer flog aus dem Schreiadlernest!

Pressemitteilung - Fernseh-Star aus Adler-TV begibt sich auf den Winterzug ... adlernest/

by Deutsche Wildtier-Stiftung
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34. Bedrohte Tierarten: Ein Horst ist zu klein für Kain und Abel

A radio podcast - in German language ... _id=218044

To start the podcast, click the link on the right upper side "Beitrag hören"

(If the link breaks, or is taken away, please let me know! Thanks)

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