Books and other printed materials

Database with information about Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagles

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Re: Books and other printed materials

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15. Der Schreiadler im Sturzflug: Tagungsband zum 1. Schreiadlersymposium der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung am 29. September 2011 an der Universität Potsdam. Kinser, A. & Münchhausen, H. Frhr. v. (Hrsg.) (2012)

Conference Proceedings

Der Schreiadler im Sturzflug - Erkenntnisse und Handlungsansätze im Schreiadlerschutz. Tagungsband zum 1. Schreiadlersymposium der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung am 29. September 2011 an der Universität Potsdam, Griebnitzsee, ISBN 978-3-936802-13-9, 116 S. € 9,90 + € 5,95 Postage and packing

Available through: ... zflug.html
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Post by Felis silvestris »

16. Acta ornithoecologica. 4.2001,2-4. p. 75-410

Articles in a Journal/Magazine

All but 2 articles in this journal deal with Spotted Eagles

Not available online, single articles available by pay-per-view or via subscribing institutes

Dreifachheft des Bandes 4 der Acta ornithoecologica mit Unterstützung der »Weltarbeitsgruppe Greifvögel und Eulen e. V. (WAG)«. Mit zahlreichen Beiträgen über Schrei- und Schelladler

Scheller, Bergmanis, Meyburg, Purkert, Knack, Röper: Raum-Zeit-Verhalten des Schreiadlers (Aquila pomarina);
Langgemach, Blohm, Frey: Zur Habitatstruktur der Schreiadlers (Aquila pomarina) an seinem westlichen Arealrand - Untersuchungen aus dem Land Brandenburg;
Meyburg: Zum Kainismus beim Schreiadler, Aquila pomarina;
Langemach: Kaffeebraune Vögel mit gespreizten Handschwingen - über einige Defizite in der Kenntnis des Schreiadlers (Aquila pomarina) in Deutschland;
Melnikov, Solovkov, Kostin, Egorova, Bogomolov: Nesting of Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) in Ivanovo region (Russia);
Löhmus, Väli: Numbers of Population Dynamics of the Lesser Spotted Eagle, Aquila pomarina, in Estonia;
Bergmanis, Petrins, Strazds, Krams: Probable case of hybridization of Greater Aquila clanga and Lesser Spotted Eagle, A. pomarina, in Eastern Latvia;
Bergmanis, Petrins, Strazds: The number, distribution and breeding success of the Lesser Spotted Eagle, Aquila pomarina in Latvia;
Abuladze: Lesser Spotted Eagle, Aquila pomarina in Transcaucasia;
Kemp: Concentration of non-breeding Lesser Spotted Eagles, Aquila pomarina at abundant food: A breeding colony of Red-billed Quela, Quela quela in the Kruger National Park, South Africa;
Mischenko, Ochagov, Kostin, Galushin, Nikolaev, Sukhanova, Eremkin: Spotted Eagle in the Central Part of European Russia: Preliminary Assessment of their Ranges and Population Status;
Komischke, Graszynski, Meyburg: Zur Biologie des Schelladlers, Aquila clanga;
Löhmus, Väli: Interbreeding of the Greater, Aquila clanga and Lesser Spotted Eagle, A. pomarina;
Mischenko, Galushin: Greater Spotted Eagle, Aquila clanga in European Russia: Distribution and Status;
Abuladze: The Greater, Aquila clanga and Lesser, Aquila pomarina Spotted Eagle migrations in Western Georgia;
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17. Badania i problemy ochrony orlika grubodziobego Aquila clanga i orlika krzykliwego Aquila pomarina: materiały międzynarodowej konferencji, Osowiec, 16-18 września 2005. Mizera, Tadeusz and Bernd-Ulrich Meyburg

Osowiec, 16-18 września 2005. Osowiec-Twierdza [etc.]: Biebrzański Park Narodowy, 2005.

Conference Proceedings

Book available by buying or by finding a library which has it in stock
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18. Schreiadler (Aquila pomarina). W. Scheller & B.-U. Meyburg. 2001

Chapter in a book


Greifvögel in Deutschland - Bestand, Situation, Schutz. Kostrzewa, A. & G. Speer (eds.)
2. vollst. neu bearb. und erw. Aufl. Wiebelsheim: Aula-Verlag.

Book available by buying or by finding a library which has it in stock
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Post by Felis silvestris »

19. Schreiadler Aquila pomarina (C. L. Brehm 1831). B.-U. Meyburg. 2001

Chapter in a book

Die Vogelwelt von Brandenburg und Berlin.
Natur & Text, Rangsdorf

Book available by buying or by finding a library which has it in stock
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Post by Felis silvestris »

20. Vögel. Magazin für Vogelbeobachtung. Issue 2010,02 (Spring)

Article (title topic) in a Journal/Magazine

Contains an article on Lesser Spotted Eagles in Germany: Überleben in Deutschland? (Survival in German?) p. 50-55
and an interview with eagle expert Torsten Langgemach p. 56-59
(and an article on bird killing on Malta)

NB - Issue 2006,01 features an article on "Rückkehr der Adler" (Return of the eagles) featuring White-tailed Eagles, Golden Eagle, Osprey, unfortunately not the Lesser Spotted Eagles, and other birds like Black Storks or Bearded Vulture
Issue 2012,04 has the White-tailed Eagles as title topic.

All mentioned issues are still available through the publisher!

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