Research Projects on Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagles

Database with information about Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagles

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Research Projects on Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagles

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  • 1. EAGLELIFE - Arrangement of spotted eagles and black storkconservation in Estonia
    by Best Life-Environment Projects 2004-2009

    2. Lesser Spotted Eagle – flagship species for the Carpathians
    by Tamas Papp "Milvus Group" Bird and Nature Protection Association 2005

    3. Distribution, abundance and habitat preferences of the lesser spotted eagles of Armenia
    by Acopian Center for the Environment 2007-2009

    4. Conservation genetics of the Greater Spotted Eagle and the Lesser Spotted Eagle
    by ETF

    5. Hybridization of the Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga and Lesser Spotted Eagle A. pomarina, and its impact: analysis by molecular markers
    by Estonian Science Foundation Research Grant

    6. Jungvogelmanagement - eine Sofortmaßnahme zur Unterstützung der bedrohten Population des Schreiadlers
    by Deutsche Wildtierstiftung

    7. "Protection of Populations of the White-Tailed Eagle, Imperial Eagle and Greater Spotted Eagle in Republic of Tatarstan"
    by Russian Raptor Research and Conservation Network with support of the Rufford Foundation

    8. Sicherung und Optimierung von Lebensräumen des Schreiadlers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
    by BfN - Bundesamt für Naturschutz

    9. Der letzte Schrei? Projekte zum Schreiadlerschutz
    by Deutsche Wildtierstiftung

    10. Conservation of Aquila pomarina in Romania (LIFE08 NAT/RO/000501-CAPR)
    by Regional Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu toghether with its partners The Association for Bird and Nature Protection “Milvus Group” and The Romanian Ornithological Society

    11. Project "Conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) in Lithuanian forests"
    by "Foundation for the Development of Nature Protection Projects"

    12. Conservation genetics of threatened bird species
    by CORDIS

    13. Investigation of genetic composition of the Aquila clanga population breeding at Biebrza River Valley, Poland
    by ? Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

    14. ESTLAT Eagles Cross Borders

    15. Greater Spotted Eagle – a bird like no other! Securing the population of Aquila clanga in Poland by Ptaki Polskie - POLISH BIRDS and Komitet Ochrony Orłów - EAGLES' PROTECTION COMMITTEE

    16. EU-Life Projekt "Schreiadler Schorfheide" by Landesamt für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz Land Brandenburg

    17. Ochrana orla krikľavého na Slovensku - Conservation of Aquila pomarina in Slovakia by Raptor protection of Slovakia

    18. Lauku attīstības plāna 2007 – 2013 pasākumu ietekme uz mazā ērgļa Aquila pomarina barošanās biotopiem monitoringa parauglaukumos
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1. EAGLELIFE - Arrangement of spotted eagles and black storkconservation in Estonia

by by Best Life-Environment Projects 2004-2009

This project focuses on three bird species listed as priorities under Annex I of the Birds Directive: the black Stork (Ciconia nigra); the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina); and the greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga), one of the most endangered species in Europe.
The forests and wetlands of Estonia are home to important European populations - around 3% - of both eagles, amounting to 500-600 pairs of the lesser spotted eagle and only 20-30 pairs of the greater spotted. Also found in Estonia are 1.5% of Europe’s black stork - 100-115 pairs.
These birds are linked to a mosaic landscape - large, old trees for nesting and open landscape, such as meadows and floodplains for foraging. They are being threatened by changes in rural land use which have limited nesting sites by reducing natural old forest, caused disturbances during the nesting period and degraded feeding grounds. These factors are exacerbated by the lack of public interest and awareness.
Numbers of black storks nesting in Estonia have halved during the past twenty years and the greater spotted eagle has
been reduced to less than 30 pairs. The fact that many nesting sites are unknown means they remain unprotected.

environmentally responsible behaviour‚ conservation of genetic resources‚ environmental impact of agriculture‚
forest ecosystem‚ grassland ecosystem‚ landscape conservation policy‚ wildlife sanctuary‚ site rehabilitation‚
public awareness campaign‚ social participation‚ forest management‚ risk management‚ informal negotiation‚
restoration measure‚ information network‚ management contract‚ population dynamics

Source: ... ocType=pdf

Booklet: ... AYMAN1.pdf
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2. Lesser Spotted Eagle – Flagship species for the Carpathians – 2005

The Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) is a recently declining large size diurnal raptor. It is unique among the eagles, as this species is the only representative of this group which has its global population concentrated mainly in Europe. The Carpathian Eco-region holds approximately 20 percent of its global population. Its conservation status and its large size territory make this species ideal to be used as flagship species for biodiversity conservation in this region.

With the financial support of the Carpathian Eco-Region Initiative (CERI), the "Milvus Group" Bird and Nature Protection Association initiated a one-year project for the assessment of the possibilities to use the Lesser Spotted Eagle as key species in the nature conservation of the region.

  • Evaluation of the (barely known) breeding populations of Romania and Ukraine
    Development of a regional Action Plan for the conservation of the species
    Facilitation of the “adoption” of the species as the “region’s symbol species” by some Romanian target communities
    To create a regional raptor specialist network as well as to develop a regional LIFE Nature project for the conservation of the species ... _TP.pd.pdf ... hians-2005
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3. Distribution, abundance and habitat preferences of the lesser spotted eagles of Armenia

by Acopian Center for the Environment 2007-2009

The Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) inhabits almost all deciduous forest regions of Armenia. Due to economic and energy crisis and following economic growth in Armenia from 1990-s until now the land use pattern and the forest management in Armenia was strongly altered. The mentioned factors might have a negative impact on the large forest raptor species since they are more vulnerable and sensitive to changes in their habitat. Considering that the following objectives were chosen for particular study:

1. to refine knowledge on distribution and abundance of Lesser Spotted Eagle in Armenia
2. to study habitat preferences of the species
3. to identify current and potential threats for the species

Source: ... tted-Eagle
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4. Conservation genetics of the Greater Spotted Eagle and the Lesser Spotted Eagle

by ETF 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2011

Summary in English:
Maintaining genetic diversity belongs to the most important aspects in conservation of endangered species. On the other hand, species consist of differentiated populations (management units), which should be treated separately when planning further conservation measures. During the current project, we study two bird species of conservation concern, the globally threatened Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga and the Lesser Spotted Eagle A. pomarina. The objectives are (i) to analyse the historical development of world populations of LSE and GSE; (ii) to investigate effective size as well as genetic structure and diversity of historical and current populations in both species. Since molecular methods increase the efficiency of several important population demographic parameters, we also (iii) identify the extent of turnover of breeding individuals within populations, and dynamics of sex ratio of nestlings, and study the factors determining these variables. Both contemporary and historical samples, and several genetic markers (mitochondrial DNA, microsatellites, SNPs) will be used. The results have direct conservation value since it enables to plan further conservation measures for these species. Secondly, the results are also of general scientific importance, since such species pairs with high dispersal ability, long lifespan and low breeding densities that show different numbers and population densities, have been seldom studied.

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5. Hybridization of the Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga and Lesser Spotted Eagle A. pomarina, and its impact: analysis by molecular markers

by Estonian Science Foundation Research Grant 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2007

Interspecific hybridisation studies enable to understand the process of speciation. While studying hybridising protected animals, one should concentrate also to the aspects of conservation. The Greater and the Lesser Spotted Eagles are two threatened bird species, which are able to form mixed species breeding pairs and produce viable hybrid offspring. Interbreeding is an important threat factor for European Greater Spotted Eagle population, but it has remained poorly studied. The objectives of current project are: 1) to find nuclear markers for separating Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagles, and for identification of first and later generation hybrids, and backcrosses; 2) to analyse the extent of hybridisation and the composition of spotted eagle populations in the sympatric part of species' ranges. For implementation of the objectives, we apply molecular methods; we use three types of nuclear markers with different sensitivity (introns of nuclear genes, microsatellites, AFLP-markers), and a mitochondrial marker (pseudo-control region) for analysing maternal lineages. We use genetic samples collected from Estonia and from other countries. Participants of the project include 1 researcher, 1 MSc student and 1-2 undergraduate students. Analysis of spotted eagles' hybridisation enables to understand the nature of interbreeding in raptors, a hitherto poorly studied bird group in respect to this issue, and to extrapolate the results to other animal groups. Results increase also the knowledge about the formation of isolation barriers during speciation (e.g. Haldane's rule), and to anwer to other questions concerning speciaton. The results of the project are strongly needed for the efficient conservation of the globally threatened Greater Spotted Eagle, because a large proportion of its population is affected by interbreeding with the Lesser Spotted Eagle.

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6. Jungvogelmanagement - eine Sofortmaßnahme zur Unterstützung der bedrohten Population des Schreiadlers

by Deutsche Wildtierstiftung - 01.01.2007 - 12/2011

Information about the project:
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7. "Protection of Populations of the White-Tailed Eagle, Imperial Eagle and Greater Spotted Eagle in Republic of Tatarstan"

by Russian Raptor Research and Conservation Network with support of the Rufford Foundation - partly in Russian and not translated - please use a translator if necessary
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8. Sicherung und Optimierung von Lebensräumen des Schreiadlers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Securing and improving lesser-spotted eagle habitats in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

by BfN - Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation)

08/2007 - 06/2008 (preliminary study)
12/2010 - 12/2014 (main project and accompanying research)

This project, the first of its kind, aims to develop ways and means of safeguarding and enhancing breeding places for the lesser-spotted eagle in Germany. The results will then be pilot-tested in the field. The emphasis is on adapting forestry and farming practices and infrastructure development in breeding areas to benefit this endangered species. The findings from the main project will be used to compile a manual on conservation of the lesser-spotted eagle in Germany.

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9. Der letzte Schrei? Projekte zum Schreiadlerschutz

by Deutsche Wildtierstiftung

Reports on projects on Lesser Spotted Eagles in Germany

German: ... hreiadler/
Summary in English: ... -pomarina/
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10. Conservation of Aquila pomarina in Romania (LIFE08 NAT/RO/000501-CAPR)

by Regional Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu toghether with its partners The Association for Bird and Nature Protection “Milvus Group” and The Romanian Ornithological Society

The main objective of the project is to ensure conditions to achieve and maintain favorable conservation status for 22,2 % of the European Union’s Aquila pomarina population.

Aquila pomarina is a raptor species with breeding range restricted mostly to central, eastern and south-east Europe. It has suffered a major decline in many countries, it is considered to be a species in decline throughout its whole range. Romania is one of the most important strongholds of the species. As the result of the most recent studies the Romanian population is estimated at 2,000 pairs. The Romanian population was largely underestimated until recently, when the importance of this population was recognized, as holding 22,2% of the EU population and 10% of the population at the world level.

In Romania, the population is not uniformly distributed throughout the country; main strongholds are in Transylvania, western Romania and eastern slopes of the Eastern Carpathians. Small populations exist also in Eastern, South-eastern and Southern Romania


Note: Several birds were provided with Satellite tracking devices:

The project ended after three years with a meeting of 50 experts from 15 countries from Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, 2013
See also: viewtopic.php?p=317106#p317106
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11. Project "Conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) in Lithuanian forests"

by "Foundation for the Development of Nature Protection Projects"

Runtime: 01.11.2010 to 30.04.2015

Conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in Lithuanian Forests ... ocType=pdf

Brochure: ... let_LT.pdf

Project Website ... ZixnM.dpuf

The lesser spotted eagle ( Aquila pomarina ) is a medium-size migrating eagle found in central, eastern and south-east Europe, as well as eastwards to Iran. More than 95% of its global breeding range is in Europe, where some 19 000 pairs breed.
The species has an unfavourable conservation status in Europe and is listed in the Annex I of the Birds Directive.

The lesser spotted eagle breeds across the whole of Lithuania. Its breeding density varies significantly through the country, with the greatest density recorded in central and north-western regions. More than 10% of the European population breeds in Lithuania, while The Baltic States, Belarus and Poland hold more than half of European population. The Lithuanian lesser spotted eagle population suffered a decline of more than 20% between 1980 and 2006.
This was the result of habitat alterations and the loss of nesting sites (caused by forestry operations and drainage), as well as hunting activities during migration.
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12. Conservation genetics of threatened bird species


Human activities threaten many species worldwide and science-based conservation activities have an increasing importance. Current project integrates genetic methods into the population studies of threatened bird species, the Black Stork, the White-tailed Eagle, the Greater and the Lesser Spotted Eagle and the Willow Grouse. The project includes several fields of conservation genetics, such as identification of population structure, estimation of genetic variability within and between populations, analysis of population fragmentation and inbreeding, dispersal and gene flow, population turnover, sex ratio and development of sexing methods. The outcomes of the study are important for planning further conservation actions for these species, as well as for increasing general knowledge about long-lived birds characterised by the small population size.

Source: ... N=11429880
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13. Investigation of genetic composition of the Aquila clanga population breeding at Biebrza River Valley, Poland

by ? Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 15.12.2010-31.12.2012

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14. ESTLAT Eagles Cross Borders

Latvian Fund for Nature
Estonian Ornithological Society

Actually dealing with White Tailed Eagles and Ospreys - "LSE is touched for example in Field Guide to big nests in forests, but there is only Estonian and Latvian versions published". (Information by Urmas Sellis)

Field guide for identification of large nests in Latvian
Field guide for identification of large nests in Estonian
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15. Greater Spotted Eagle – a bird like no other! Securing the population of Aquila clanga in Poland
by Ptaki Polskie - POLISH BIRDS and Komitet Ochrony Orłów - EAGLES' PROTECTION COMMITTEE

Funded by the European Commission’s LIFE+ Fund, ref. no: LIFE08 NAT/PL/000511

Greater Spotted Eagles need extensive marshes to be able to hunt and wet, inaccessible woods to breed. We are protecting Greater Spotted Eagles by protecting these habitats.

Read more about the project, aims, partners, team, sponsors and friends: ... ted-eagles

In Polish language:

International Workshop On The Conservation Of Greater Spotted Eagles Jan. 25-27, 2012 ... l-workshop

PDF on the Workshop: ... cjaeng.pdf

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