16. EU-Life Projekt "Schreiadler Schorfheide"
by Landesamt für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz Land Brandenburg
Projekt "Verbesserung der Brut- und Nahrungshabitate für Schreiadler sowie für Wachtelkönig und Seggenrohrsänger im Europäischen Vogelschutzgebiet Schorfheide-Chorin"
http://www.lugv.brandenburg.de/cms/deta ... .316066.de
Research Projects on Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagles
Moderator: maertha/felis silvestris
- Felis silvestris
- Site Admin
- Posts: 20039
- Joined: February 20th, 2011, 4:54 pm
- Location: Germany
- Felis silvestris
- Site Admin
- Posts: 20039
- Joined: February 20th, 2011, 4:54 pm
- Location: Germany
17. Ochrana orla krikľavého na Slovensku - Conservation of Aquila pomarina in Slovakia
by Raptor protection of Slovakia - Life - Natura 2000
by Raptor protection of Slovakia - Life - Natura 2000
- Felis silvestris
- Site Admin
- Posts: 20039
- Joined: February 20th, 2011, 4:54 pm
- Location: Germany
18. Lauku attīstības plāna 2007 – 2013 pasākumu ietekme uz mazā ērgļa Aquila pomarina barošanās biotopiem monitoringa parauglaukumos
Rural Development Plan 2007 - 2013 the impact of measures [on the] Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina['s] foraging habitats monitoring plots
(Google translator)
PDf available here:
http://www.lvaei.lv/upload/Petijums%20_ ... ergli_.pdf
http://www.lvaei.lv/upload/LAP%202007-2 ... _LANN.pptx
Rural Development Plan 2007 - 2013 the impact of measures [on the] Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina['s] foraging habitats monitoring plots
(Google translator)
PDf available here:
http://www.lvaei.lv/upload/Petijums%20_ ... ergli_.pdf
http://www.lvaei.lv/upload/LAP%202007-2 ... _LANN.pptx