36. Simmons, Robert: Siblicide provides food for raptor chicks: re-evaluating brood manipulation studies. 2002
Animal Behaviour, 64.2002 ,6 p. F19-F24
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Cainism and Siblicide
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- Felis silvestris
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- Felis silvestris
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37. Margalida, Antoni and Joan Bertran, Jennifer Boudet, Rafael Heredia: Hatching asynchrony, sibling aggression and cannibalism in the Bearded Vulture. 2004
Ibis, 146.2004, 3 p. 386-393
PDF available here: http://www.recercaenaccio.cat/agaur_rea ... m-5539.pdf
Ibis, 146.2004, 3 p. 386-393
PDF available here: http://www.recercaenaccio.cat/agaur_rea ... m-5539.pdf
- Felis silvestris
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38. Simmons, Robert: Blood brothers: the mystery of killing kin in the nest. 2004
Africa Birds & Birding, 9.2004 p. 43-48
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Africa Birds & Birding, 9.2004 p. 43-48
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- Felis silvestris
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39. Meyburg, B.-U. and Kai Graszynski / Torsten Langgemach / Paul Sömmer / Ugis Bergmanis: Cainism, nestling management in Germany in 2004-2007 and satellite tracking of juveniles in the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina). 2008
Slovak Raptor Journal, 2008, 1
PDF available here: http://www.brandenburg.de/cms/media.php ... slovak.pdf
Slovak Raptor Journal, 2008, 1
PDF available here: http://www.brandenburg.de/cms/media.php ... slovak.pdf
- Felis silvestris
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40. Drummond, Hugh and Cristina Rodríguez, Hubert Schwabl: Do mothers regulate facultative and obligate siblicide by differentially provisioning eggs with hormones? 2008
Journal of Avian Biology, 39.2008, 2 p.139-143
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Journal of Avian Biology, 39.2008, 2 p.139-143
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- Felis silvestris
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41. Wang, Ning and Rebecca T. Kimball: Nestmate killing by obligate brood parasitic chicks: is this linked to obligate siblicidal behavior? 2012
Journal of Ornithology, 153.2012, 3 p. 825-831
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Journal of Ornithology, 153.2012, 3 p. 825-831
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- Felis silvestris
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- Posts: 20039
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- Location: Germany
42. Meyburg, B.-U.: Sibling Aggression and Cross-fostering of Eagles. 1978
Temple, S.A. (ed.): Endangered Birds Management Techniques for Threatened Species.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
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Temple, S.A. (ed.): Endangered Birds Management Techniques for Threatened Species.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
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