20:52 dark, wind blow...
no sign of Amata on the third day
Latvian Osprey Nest 2015 - Laima & Pēteris
- seira
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- Maggy
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August 29th
Good morning!
no stream today so far!
Good morning!
no stream today so far!
- Gavril
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Hello! Thank you Maggy and Seira for the photos. However, where Amata?
- Maggy
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It is the end of August, I think it's really time to go South, I didn't expect for them to be around so long, so probably Amata left already...
- Bea
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31. August
Cam is back online, no one on the nest at the moment (13:31)
Cam is back online, no one on the nest at the moment (13:31)
Nature does nothing in vain (Aristoteles)
- lianaliesma
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Our osprey Laima&Pēteris family has left their nesting place today... ...
Here is the story of dabasdati.lv forumer Kaimiņiene(which lives in that vicinity):
Aizlidoja! Pusdivos atlidoja viena no meitām un sauca pārējos, bet pie ligzdas nelidoja. Bija klusums mežā. Pēc pusstundas viņa atkal atlidoja saukdama pārējos. Un tad kaut kur tālu un augstu kāds atsaucās. Pēc 15 min. redzēju šādu skatu - divas lielas māsas lidoja ļoti augstu gaisā ar mērķticīgu virzienu uz sauli, ne viena aiz otras, bet sāņus ar nelielu nobīdi. Aiz viņām lielu gabalu sekoja kāds mazs, bet lepns ērglis, ka izaudzinājis un tagad tautās ved tik skaistas erglienes. Visi klusēdami, kā sākot lielu pasākumu. Ap 16 dzirdēju kautkur augstu gaisā divus saucienus, vai tas bija Pēteris, kas atlidoja vientulībā pateikt sveikas savai mājai? Neredzēju. Ja tā, tad to viņam iemācija viņa mamma, kas viņam izstāstīja kā vectēvs darija. Un tagad Raiskuma un Amata zinās stāstīt tālāk saviem dēliem, kā tēvs darīja... Pēteri, gaidīšu tevi nākošgad...
They flew away! Half past one o'clock one of the daughters flew near but not to the socket and called the other. There was silence in the forest. After half an hour she flew again calling the other. And then somewhere high and far someone responded. After 15 min. I saw such a view - two big osprey sisters flew very high in the air towards direction of the sun, not one behind the other, but side by side with a slight lag. Far behind them followed a small but proud eagle that has bred them and now was leading into the world those beautiful osprey girls. All in respectable silence, as beginning important event. Around 16 o'clock I heard somewhere high in the air two cries, whether it was Peter, who arrived alone to say goodbye to his house? I did not see. If so, then he was taught to do so by his mom, who was told how the grandfather did. And now Raiskuma and Amata will know and will to tell their sons about it ... Peter, I am looking forward to seeing you next year ...
Here is the story of dabasdati.lv forumer Kaimiņiene(which lives in that vicinity):
Aizlidoja! Pusdivos atlidoja viena no meitām un sauca pārējos, bet pie ligzdas nelidoja. Bija klusums mežā. Pēc pusstundas viņa atkal atlidoja saukdama pārējos. Un tad kaut kur tālu un augstu kāds atsaucās. Pēc 15 min. redzēju šādu skatu - divas lielas māsas lidoja ļoti augstu gaisā ar mērķticīgu virzienu uz sauli, ne viena aiz otras, bet sāņus ar nelielu nobīdi. Aiz viņām lielu gabalu sekoja kāds mazs, bet lepns ērglis, ka izaudzinājis un tagad tautās ved tik skaistas erglienes. Visi klusēdami, kā sākot lielu pasākumu. Ap 16 dzirdēju kautkur augstu gaisā divus saucienus, vai tas bija Pēteris, kas atlidoja vientulībā pateikt sveikas savai mājai? Neredzēju. Ja tā, tad to viņam iemācija viņa mamma, kas viņam izstāstīja kā vectēvs darija. Un tagad Raiskuma un Amata zinās stāstīt tālāk saviem dēliem, kā tēvs darīja... Pēteri, gaidīšu tevi nākošgad...
They flew away! Half past one o'clock one of the daughters flew near but not to the socket and called the other. There was silence in the forest. After half an hour she flew again calling the other. And then somewhere high and far someone responded. After 15 min. I saw such a view - two big osprey sisters flew very high in the air towards direction of the sun, not one behind the other, but side by side with a slight lag. Far behind them followed a small but proud eagle that has bred them and now was leading into the world those beautiful osprey girls. All in respectable silence, as beginning important event. Around 16 o'clock I heard somewhere high in the air two cries, whether it was Peter, who arrived alone to say goodbye to his house? I did not see. If so, then he was taught to do so by his mom, who was told how the grandfather did. And now Raiskuma and Amata will know and will to tell their sons about it ... Peter, I am looking forward to seeing you next year ...
We are living in a dangerous age. Human beings dominate nature, before they have learned to control themselves. -Albert Schweitzer
I have been studying the traits and dispositions of the so-called "lower animals" versus the traits and dispositions of man. The result humiliates me. - Mark Twain
I have been studying the traits and dispositions of the so-called "lower animals" versus the traits and dispositions of man. The result humiliates me. - Mark Twain
- seira
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thank you, lianaliesma
the touching story ♥
18:35 beautiful nest
the touching story ♥
18:35 beautiful nest
- Maggy
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+1seira wrote:thank you, lianaliesma
the touching story ♥
already miss them!!!
the stream is on, but our birdies have already left!!! Let them have a great life!!!
- Gavril
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Good evening! Lianaliesma! Thanks for an interesting, touching story about your favorite Peteris and his children. Let the birds accompanied by a tailwind....I really hope to see next season and Peteris Laima. It is calm, confident and reliable steam. Thank you all for interesting stories!