Latvian Bittern Camera 2015 and 2016
- Liz01
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Re: Latvian Bittern Camera 2015 and 2016
14:42 she's fishing
14:43 successfully
14:47 leaves the nest to the right
Info below the stream:
Tiešraidē vērojamā lielā dumpja ligzda atrodas niedrājā Engures ezera vidusdaļā. Šie niedrāji jau izsenis ir zināmi kā dažādu ūdensputnu, tai skaitā - lielo dumpju, dzīvesvieta. Ne velti vairāk kā puse no projekta LIFE COASTLAKE laikā ar raidītājiem aprīkoto dumpju tika noķerti tieši ezera vidusdaļas niedrājā
Šogad (2022.) tiešraidē vērojamā ligzda atrasta 22. aprīlī. Atrašanas brīdī ligzdā bija trīs olas, no kurām viena bija jau vismaz 10 dienas perēta. Kamera pie ligzdas uzstādīta 25. aprīļa pēcpusdienā un laikā starp ligzdas atrašanu un kameras uzstādīšanu ligzdā iedēta vēl viena ola. Tātad, sākot tiešraidi, ligzdā ir četras olas un pēdējā ola ir pavisam svaiga. Tas dod cerību šogad vērot salīdzinoši ilgu ligzdošanas sezonas daļu.
Kameras sistēmu uzstādīja Jānis Rudzītis, Jānis Kviesis, Jānis Bētiņš un Jānis Reihmanis. Kamera uzstādīta Latvijas Dabas fondam sadarbojoties ar Engures ezera dabas fondu, kas zināmā mērā ir tupinājums projekta LIFE COASTLAKE laikā uzsāktajai sadarbībai lielā dumpja aizsardzībā un izpētē. Latvijas Dabas fonds pateicas Engures ezera dabas fonda vadītājam Robertam Šiliņam gan par sniegto atbalstu, gan par iespēju tiešraides nodrošināšanā izmantot Engures ezera dabas fonda inventāru.
GT- Info below the stream:
The nest of the Great Bittern, which can be seen live, is located in a reed in the middle of Lake Engure. These reeds have long been known as the habitat of various waterfowl, including the great bittern. No wonder more than half of the bittern equipped with transmitters during the LIFE COASTLAKE project were caught in the reeds in the middle of the lake.
BTW: ... =0&speed=1
This year (2022), the nest was found on April 22. At the time of the nest was found, there were three eggs, one of which had been laid befor at least 10 days. The camera was installed at the nest on the afternoon of April 25, and another egg was laid between finding the nest and installing the camera in the nest. So when you start live, there are four eggs in the nest and the last egg is completely fresh. This gives hope to watch a relatively long part of the nesting season this year.
The camera system was installed by Jānis Rudzītis, Jānis Kviesis, Jānis Bētiņš and Jānis Reihmanis. The camera was installed by the Latvian Fund for Nature in co-operation with the Lake Engure Nature Fund, which is to some extent a continuation of the co-operation in the protection and research of the Great Bittern initiated during the LIFE COASTLAKE project. The Latvian Fund for Nature thanks Roberts Šiliņš, the head of the Lake Engure Nature Fund, both for the support provided and for the opportunity to use the inventory of the Lake Engure Nature Fund to provide live coverage.
14:43 successfully
14:47 leaves the nest to the right
Info below the stream:
Tiešraidē vērojamā lielā dumpja ligzda atrodas niedrājā Engures ezera vidusdaļā. Šie niedrāji jau izsenis ir zināmi kā dažādu ūdensputnu, tai skaitā - lielo dumpju, dzīvesvieta. Ne velti vairāk kā puse no projekta LIFE COASTLAKE laikā ar raidītājiem aprīkoto dumpju tika noķerti tieši ezera vidusdaļas niedrājā
Šogad (2022.) tiešraidē vērojamā ligzda atrasta 22. aprīlī. Atrašanas brīdī ligzdā bija trīs olas, no kurām viena bija jau vismaz 10 dienas perēta. Kamera pie ligzdas uzstādīta 25. aprīļa pēcpusdienā un laikā starp ligzdas atrašanu un kameras uzstādīšanu ligzdā iedēta vēl viena ola. Tātad, sākot tiešraidi, ligzdā ir četras olas un pēdējā ola ir pavisam svaiga. Tas dod cerību šogad vērot salīdzinoši ilgu ligzdošanas sezonas daļu.
Kameras sistēmu uzstādīja Jānis Rudzītis, Jānis Kviesis, Jānis Bētiņš un Jānis Reihmanis. Kamera uzstādīta Latvijas Dabas fondam sadarbojoties ar Engures ezera dabas fondu, kas zināmā mērā ir tupinājums projekta LIFE COASTLAKE laikā uzsāktajai sadarbībai lielā dumpja aizsardzībā un izpētē. Latvijas Dabas fonds pateicas Engures ezera dabas fonda vadītājam Robertam Šiliņam gan par sniegto atbalstu, gan par iespēju tiešraides nodrošināšanā izmantot Engures ezera dabas fonda inventāru.
GT- Info below the stream:
The nest of the Great Bittern, which can be seen live, is located in a reed in the middle of Lake Engure. These reeds have long been known as the habitat of various waterfowl, including the great bittern. No wonder more than half of the bittern equipped with transmitters during the LIFE COASTLAKE project were caught in the reeds in the middle of the lake.
BTW: ... =0&speed=1
This year (2022), the nest was found on April 22. At the time of the nest was found, there were three eggs, one of which had been laid befor at least 10 days. The camera was installed at the nest on the afternoon of April 25, and another egg was laid between finding the nest and installing the camera in the nest. So when you start live, there are four eggs in the nest and the last egg is completely fresh. This gives hope to watch a relatively long part of the nesting season this year.
The camera system was installed by Jānis Rudzītis, Jānis Kviesis, Jānis Bētiņš and Jānis Reihmanis. The camera was installed by the Latvian Fund for Nature in co-operation with the Lake Engure Nature Fund, which is to some extent a continuation of the co-operation in the protection and research of the Great Bittern initiated during the LIFE COASTLAKE project. The Latvian Fund for Nature thanks Roberts Šiliņš, the head of the Lake Engure Nature Fund, both for the support provided and for the opportunity to use the inventory of the Lake Engure Nature Fund to provide live coverage.
- Simoninna
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April 28
09.38 mating !!!
09.38 mating !!!
"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” - Robert Swan Obe, the first man in history to walk to both the North and South Poles.
- Fleur
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May 7
- Fleur
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09:26 she gives a warning
- Fleur
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a few moments between 12:51 - 13:22
a few moments between 12:51 - 13:22
- Fleur
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13:34 little bird
- Fleur
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16:43 An intruder
16:46 female goes on the attack
16:48 view on the left
16:52 female goes on the attack again
17:35 female is back, brush her beak and feathers
16:46 female goes on the attack
16:48 view on the left
16:52 female goes on the attack again
17:35 female is back, brush her beak and feathers
- Fleur
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May 9
23:25 for more then an hour an Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana) calls
23:28:40 Male calls
23:25 for more then an hour an Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana) calls
23:28:40 Male calls
- Fleur
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May 13
- Liz01
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Fleur thank you!
20:38 PIP in a egg
20:38 PIP in a egg
- Liz01
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May 14
Good Morning
7:05 the hole is bigger
Good Morning
7:05 the hole is bigger
- Liz01
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10:15 chick is visible
video by Greieta (Vērotāja)
7:53 AM fist chick has hatched
video by Greieta (Vērotāja)
7:53 AM fist chick has hatched
- Liz01
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Īsfilma par lielajiem dumpjiem Engures ezerā, 2015
In 2015, an LDF short film about the great bittern was made.
The film shows all the phases of nesting
In 2015, an LDF short film about the great bittern was made.
The film shows all the phases of nesting
- Fleur
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May 15
08:03 feeding time
08:55 female away
08:03 feeding time
08:55 female away
- Fleur
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09:01 two chickens are visible
- Fleur
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09:10 female back
- Fleur
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09:28 feeding time
09:39 The fish was probably still too big, mother ate it herself
09:39 The fish was probably still too big, mother ate it herself
- Fleur
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May 16
- Fleur
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07:50 female away. Three chickens visible
- Fleur
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May 21
08:57 female ( flew ) away. Fishing I think
08:57 female ( flew ) away. Fishing I think