We have asked in both topics already, but I think for everyone it is easier to propose a name in an own topic, and for us it is easier to keep track of the suggestions.Urmas wrote:
Names for the chicks
In the two buzzard nests with web cameras we have already been following the doings of the three chicks in each for a couple of weeks. Quite a few viewers (there are more than 5000 every day) may have wondered if the buzzard chicks will get any names?
Perhaps it is really time now to name them, to make it simpler and clearer to exchange information about them. I suggest that names can be proposed in both nest forums. Although you will have to register and to write in English to post in the forum, it is not very difficult today and if you really don’t feel brave enough to try otherwise there are translating aids on Internet. But most forum members are from non-English language areas, so there is no reason to be shy.
Thus we have two buzzard clutches, and names can be proposed for all six chicks in them. Preferably the name should reflect some characteristic or look of the chick. For this they must be observed for a longer period or several times, to be sure about who is who.
For the easier naming of Buzzard chicks in both nests there is established special topic of forum by the admin.
It seems that each nest camera has generated its own core observers. They could for instance summarize the results after a week (by 27th), and choose the names from the suggestions. After that the chicks can be called by their names. We don’t know their sex and evidently will not know it either but this is not so vitally important.
So, please, think of nice names for our little fluff balls, it would be nice if they are Estonian, for they are representatives of the Estonian Bird of the Year 2015.
To make looking for names easier, here are some web sites with names and their meanings:
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category: ... iven_names
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category: ... iven_names
or if you want to go by hatching or other dates:
Please write which chicks you want to name, e. g.
Mari and Mihkel's nest (or Buzzard Cam 1) or Katrin and Kalju's nest (or Buzzard Cam 2)
I am adding the names which were already suggested here.