VIDEOS: Behaviour of jackals in trail camera

Submitted by Looduskalender EN on Tue, 04.12.2018 - 00:50

Videos from trail camera by Aureus, LK forum

English translation  Liis

Estonian text posted 02.12.2018


Videos recorded in the last days of November, in the same area as the web camera site – where else. In this video we can see that the older individual is unwilling to share the food with the younger animal


Jackal; Golden jackal  Šaakal or harilik šaakal   Canis aureus


The animals often behave depending on their momentary mood and temper.

The older individual in this video feeds quite peacefully side by side with the younger one.…

Here we can see a juvenile and a mature animal behaving presumably as ”in-family”  acquaintances.…

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