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Aasta looma kodulehe toimkond koostöös Looduskalendri ja Eesti Jahimeeste Seltsiga kutsub koole osalema rajakaamerate projektis, mis tutvustab lastele võimalust jälgida metsaelu vahetult ja avastada läbi rajakaamerasilma looduse ettemääramatus. Ühtlasi võimaldab projekt täiendada loodusõpetuse ja zooloogia tunde, aidates tutvuda eri loomaliikide ja lindudega ehedal, lastele põneval viisil.

Boar and white hare in children’s trail camera

Submitted by Looduskalender EN on Tue, 30.04.2019 - 12:28


Posted by the Animal of the Year Team 13.04.2019
English translation Liis


That all kinds of animals like to lick salt is well known. Now the children saw that hares are no exception. In the trail camera of the Kiviõli children the hare (mountain or snow or white hare, Lepus timidus) even stands up to get at the salt cube on the pole. There is a glimpse of its black ear tips too.


Video: Installing a trail camera and why raccoon dogs chewed off the leads of the children’s camera

Submitted by Looduskalender EN on Tue, 27.11.2018 - 22:31

The children of the Kiviõli school 2nd form made an interesting forest trip to set up a trail camera in a clump of trees near the school together with their parents and teacher Jaanika Merirand. For the children the trail camera was a novelty. What do the children hope to see in it? Ken Romet would like to see a hare, Isabella an elk, Kaspar - roe deer, bear, lynx, marten, badger. Badgers, raccoon dogs and roe deer are definitely present in the forest and the trail camera is already transmitting their activities.

Ridala children’s trail camera: Boar herd and big antlers

Submitted by Looduskalender EN on Wed, 05.04.2017 - 09:12

The little buck – he is not really so ”little” any more, already a grown-up buck - shows himself off in all his splendour, both in daylight and in the dark of the night. With the warming of the weather the animals come less often for ”selfie photos”. Today, on March 27th, the weather is already so fine that bees attempt to collect pollen from elders and hazels and make big flights. For the first time this spring.


Visiting the children’s trail camera

Submitted by Looduskalender EN on Sat, 18.03.2017 - 12:42

The fourth grade of the Ridala Elementary School invited the editors of the home page of the the animal of the year to visit them to see their trail camera. The camera is hidden at in the Vätse village five kilometres away from the school, at the house of fourth-grade pupil Erik.  When we got out of the car we headed for a little clearing in the forest behind the house where there was some grain spread on the ground and a salt lick block on top of a pole. We added vegetables bought at the Haapsalu market: carrots and cabbage leaves – roe deer like them. At the moment of course there were no animals there – our trampling around scared them. But in the trail camera the daytime visits of of the animals are nicely captured. 

Who else comes to the salt lick? We take along one camera from the tree – and hurried to the warm room to drink raspberry leaf tea and watch the images!


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