Goshawk camera

Submitted by Looduskalender on Fri, 15.04.2022 - 22:22



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Goshawk         Accipiter gentilis

Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) nest camera Recently, the Goshawk is better known as the city bird. But when the opportunity appeared, we also installed the camera next to the nest of an old-fashioned Goshawk in a middle of woods. Most of them breed in the woods, far away from human settlements, and catch wild birds for prey (so keeping those populations healthy in natural conditions).

Although unauthorized people probably don't get to the camera view in the forest, anthropogenic voices are heard here (like almost everywhere). This camera nest is located in Rapla county, northern Estonia. Last year the offspring flew out of it, but no more is known. The female Goshawk currently seen in the nest has not yet acquired the plumage of adult birds, so it may be that it is nesting for the first time. In general, forest living Goshawks are later in nesting than urban ones.

The first egg appeared in the nest on April 13. and next today April 15.

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