Nesting camera,
Webcam screenshot: Liz, LK forum
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White-tailed Eagle Haliaeëtus albicilla
The White-tailed Eagle nesting camera has been broadcasting from Matsalu National Park since 2021. With its nearly 500 km² area, Matsalu National Park is one of Europe's most important nesting and migration stopovers for waterfowl. Over 2 million waterbirds pass through Matsalu each year, with over 230,000 stopping for shorter or longer periods. The extensive floodplains, coastal pastures, and the approximately 2000 ha large reed bed surrounding the shallow Matsalu Bay with nearly 50 small islands and islets provide a very good food base for white-tailed eagles.
The nesting camera has been installed in Estonia's oldest known white-tailed eagle nesting territory – the first records of this location date back to 1887! The current nest also has an impressive history, including being featured in Rein Maran's 2002 filmed and 2005 released documentary Eesti kotkad (Gaviafilm, 2005). One of the adult eagles at the time was from the Turku region of Finland.
The white-tailed eagles built the nest visible on the webcam in 1996 when the previous nesting tree nearby in the forest dried up – the previous nest was found in 1990. The current nest has been consistently inhabited and occupied every year, and a total of 30 eagle chicks have grown up there during the period from 1996 to 2020 (25 years), making it a highly productive site.